991st FA Bn Unit History (2024)

History of the 991st Field Artillery Battalion
Richard W. Van Horne

circa 1955
USAMHI File #202-991FA.1955

Few organizations smaller than divisions achieved more notable records in the war against Germany than did the 991st Field Artillery Battalion. Besides participating in the Battles of Normandy, Northern France, the Rhineland, the Ardennes, and Central Europe, the 991st placed the first American artillery fire on Germany proper and on Cologne. Its Batteries also knocked out many pillboxes in the Siegfried Line by direct fire and participated in street fighting all the way from Aachen to the Elbe.

These rather spectacular accomplishments, however, were of minor importance compared with the battalion's routine deeds during its nine and one-half months of combat. Its missions consumed 48,937 rounds of ammunition and were fired in support of divisions under the control of six different Corps and two armies. The battalion was probably most proud of its long association with VII Corps, the cutting tool and ball carrier for the First United States Army.

Those months of combat were preceded by forty-one months of training in garrison, field and maneuvers. Without that training it is doubtful whether the battalion could have accomplished what it did with as relatively light casualties as it had to take. During the years of preparation the 991st had three different primary weapons, did tours of duty at eleven different posts, camps or stations in the United States, and emerged from a regiment to stand alone as a separate battalion.

Although the 991st technically did not come into being until 18 February, 1943, when it was constituted as a separate battalion, its Federal service in this war actually commenced on 3 February, 1941, the date of induction of the 258th Field Artillery, of which it was then the 2nd Battalion. The 258th, a former New York National Guard regiment, had its home armory at 29 West Kings Bridge Road, the Bronx, New York City.

Held in the armory for two weeks by the mechanics of induction, the regiment finally arrived at Fort Ethan Allen, near Burlington, Vt., on 18 February, 1941, to start its training. It is interesting to recall that at that time the regiment's tour of duty was to be for but one year.

At Ethan Allen the regiment shared the post with the headquarters of the 71st Field Artillery Brigade, of which it was a part, and the 187th Field Artillery, one of the brigade's two 155 howitzer regiments. By May of that year it had been decided that the post's range at Underhill, Vt., was not large enough for the regiment's 155mm GFP (Grande Puissance Filloux) guns.

An exchange of posts was arranged with the 186th Field Artillery, the brigade's other howitzer regiment, and the 258th accordingly went to Madison Barracks on Lake Ontario, just west of Watertown, NY. This arrangement enabled the regiment to use the large range at Pine Camp, just east of Watertown.

In August and September 1941, the regiment participated in the VI Corps maneuvers at Fort Devens, Mass. These exercises were followed in October and November by First Army maneuvers in North and South Carolina. The regiment was on the firing range at Fort Bragg, NC, when the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor embroiled the United States in war.

Enroute to Madison Barracks the regiment was alerted for possible overseas movements. Several hundred Selective Service replacements were awaiting the regiment at the post. It seemed highly probable that the outfit would leave the country almost immediately, especially in view of orders sending officers and men to the New York Port of Embarkation.

The alert, like so many subsequent ones, was never followed up by movement orders. Instead, most of the regiment's strength was dispersed through the state of New York guarding railroad and highway bridges and tunnels against possible sabotage. The officers and men who had gone to the port were detailed for duty as gun crews on hastily armed merchant ships.

In May 1942 the regiment was transferred permanently to Pine Camp. By this time it was rapidly losing its original 100 percent National Guard composition. Officers and men were leaving almost weekly; their places were being filled by Reserve Officers, newly commissioned lieutenants from Officers Candidate School and more Selective Service men.

Although the entire brigade was assembled at Pine Camp throughout the summer of 1942 and an intensive training program was undertaken, the regiment was just about able to hold its own against the inroads of personnel depletions. All branches of the rapidly expanding army were siphoning off strength, but especially Officer Candidate Schools, the Air Force and the Engineers.

By this time the regiment had received its second primary weapon. The old 155mm GPF had been replaced by the new 155mm gun, M1A1. No change was made, however, in the prime mover. It remained the old Allis-Chalmers Diesel tractor.

The first major break occurred on 18 February 1943 when the regiment was split up into separate battalions. Within another week notice was received that the new 991st battalion was to be equipped with an entirely new type of gun, a weapon which was a decided innovation at the time. It was the 155mm gun, self- propelled. It consisted of the 155mm GPF mounted on the M3 tank chassis. No sooner had this news been received than it became known that the battalion was to move to A.P. Hill Military Reservation, near Bowling Green, Va., for an intensive training period. Personnel were frozen and as soon as the 991st arrived at A.P. Hill on 15 March 1943 pressure was applied.

Although the original plans called for the 991st to remain at A.P. Hill for only five or six weeks before sailing, the battalion actually remained there all summer. The tempo of training was maintained and there was little turnover of personnel. In September the 991st went to the West Virginia Mountain Maneuver Area near Thomas and Davis for a month of specialized work.

From West Virginia the battalion moved to Indiantown (Pa.) Gap Military Reservation for a month to refit. In November the 991st went to Central Tennessee to engage in final maneuvers with Second Army. Just before Christmas the battalion moved to Fort Dix, NJ, to stage for shipments overseas. In the middle of January, 1944, the 991st went to Camp Shanks, N. Y., to prepare for embarkation. It sailed from New York aboard the Cunard White Star liner Queen Mary on 22 January and arrived off Grennock, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, six days later. During the crossing the battalion took over the Military Police (M.P.) detail on the ship. Several members of the permanent gun crews aboard the ship were men who had left the old regiment at Madison Barracks, N.Y., in the winter of 1942.

The battalion's first station in the United Kingdom was at Court-y-Gollen, County Brecknock, Wales. While at this post, it engaged in field and firing exercises at Sennybridge Range, near Brecon, Wales; at Dartmoor Forest in Devonshire and at Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire. Ear1y in May, 1944, it changed station and proceeded to the vicinity of Ludlow in Shropshire.

One of the vagaries of fate found the battalion still in Ludlow when the Normandy landings were made on 6 June 1944. In fact, it was a battalion without any guns. Its equipment had been turned over to another outfit with a higher priority. By 18 June, however, new guns were being delivered and by 1 July the battalion was ready for action.

It left Ludlow on 5 July and marched 175 miles to a marshalling area at Fawley, near Southampton, on the Channel coast of England. The movement to the loading yards started on 9 July and the battalion, split into two groups, sailed on 10 July. The bulk of the outfit was aboard an American LST (Landing Ship, Tank), No. 293, whiles the administrative and service elements followed on a British LST., No. 214.

In the early evening of 11 July the first part of the battalion disembarked on Omaha Beach near St. Laurent-sur-Mer. That night in a transit area near Colleville-sur-Mer the men got their first actual experience with combat when German planes bombed and strafed the whole beachhead area throughout the hours of darkness.

Shortly after landing the 991st was attached to VII Corps. Reconnaissance for positions was made on 13 July and late that evening the batteries were emplaced astride the Carentan-St. Lo highway, just north of the Vire Canal. Battery C fired the outfit's first shot at 0944 on 14 July, Bastille Day. During the battalion's first day in action 586 rounds were fired in general support of the 9th Infantry Division. With the exception of approximately one week of maintenance at the end of January, the battalion was destined to remain continuously engaged until 25 April 1945. The five major battles in which it participated fell into fairly definite patterns. In the Battle of Normandy the 991st functioned exclusively as a battalion of corps artillery in general support.

Throughout most of the Battle of Northern France, which started with the breakout west of St. Lo on 25 July and ended with the reaching of the German frontier in the first part of September, the battalion was attached directly to the 3rd Armored Division. It was a period of exceedingly fast and fluid warfare and the mobility of the outfit's M12s was invaluable.

The role of the battalion fluctuated during the Battles of the Rhineland and of the Ardennes. Generally speaking, whenever the armor was operative, the battalion was attached directly to an armored division, almost always the 3rd Armored. During the stabilized periods the 991st usually reverted to corps control and general support missions.

The Battle of Central Europe, in many respects, resembled the Battle of Northern France because it was fast and fluid. As in Northern France, the 991st again functioned with the 3rd Armored Division. The stable periods produced heavier firing but the fluid periods were harder work and much more dangerous because of the long marches and uncertain, hazardous road conditions.

It was not until 12 August that the 991st broke away from the routine of corps artillery. In the remaining days of July it had moved down to and past St. Lo under the control of the 258th Field Artillery Group and XIX Corps. Its stay of fifteen days in the same firing positions southwest of St. Jean-de-Daye proved to be the longest occupation of any one area.

August started out the same way. Still under control of XIX Corps the battalion slowly moved toward Vire, passing through Canisy, Moyen, Villebaudon, St. Vigor-des-Monts, Sept.Freres and St. Sever-de-Calvados. This orderly mode of fighting ended abruptly when on 12 August the battalion was switched back to VII Corps control and attached to 3rd Armored Division.

To join the division near Mayenne, a march of 90 miles was made. Before the new area had been occupied for twelve hours, the outfit was rolling again. The envelopment of the German Seventh Army, which soon became known as the Falaise Gap, was taking place and the 3rd Armored was spearheading the drive of VII Corps into the southern flank of the doomed Nazi force.

Within four days the envelopment was complete and the work of pounding the encircled army to pieces started. In its northward drive with the armor the 991st passed through Javron, Pre-en-Pail, St. Sampson, La Ligniere-la-Doucelle and Les Champs de la Pierre. On 17 August at Les Champs de la Pierre the batteries fired 1,073 rounds, the heaviest day's firing which the battalion was to do at any time.

Most of the battalions targets in that operation appeared near Ranes, Ecouche and Fromentel. On 19 August a curious incident occurred when the 991st fired a preparation for the British 11th Armor Division. The 3rd Armored was virtually out of contact, but the battalion happened to be so situated that, by shooting generally north, it could assist the English armor coming south.

As soon as the German Seventh Army was smashed, the chase across France began in earnest. The 3rd Armored rolled across the plains of the wheat country surrounding the cathedral town of Charters and arrived at the Seine River south of Paris on 22 August. A crossing was made between Corbeil and Melun in which the 991st fire power assisted and on 26 August the Seine was crossed at Tilly and Seine-Porte.

Circling Paris to the south and east the 3rd Armored headed north in multiple, parallel columns. The battalion kept up without undue trouble and it fired missions daily as the Marne and Aisne Rivers were crossed. The Marne was crossed between Meaux and Chateau-Thierry and the Aisne east of Soissons. Between the two rivers, at Neuilly St. Front, the 991st got its first sample of what could happen when operating with armor. Waiting in this town to switch from one armored column to another, the battalion was first menaced by a column of German vehicles trying to get out of a trap and was then fired upon by a battalion of friendly artillery which mistook it for German artillery.

After crossing the Aisne the northward drive continued via Laon. Rozoy-sur- Serre, la Capelle and Avesnes until the Franco-Belgium border was crossed late on the afternoon of 2 September between Maubeuge, France, and Mons, Belgium. The most memorable incident of the approach march occurred on 1 September when the battalion pitched into a duel between an M7 battalion and a nest of Nebelwerfers ["Moaning Minnie" rockets] in the vicinity of Etraupont.

Unknown to anyone a violent battle was soon to develop just south of Mons. The German Fifteenth Army, attempting to withdraw from the Pas de Calais to the Siegfried Line, was cut off near the little towns of Quevy-le-Grand and Quevy-ic-Petit. The 348th German Infantry Division, leading the army, marched blindly into the flank of the 3rd Armored Division.

The battle started about midnight of 2-3 September. It was still in progress when the armor turned over the job of mopping up to the 1st and 9th Infantry Divisions late on 4 September and headed east toward Germany. During its stay of only forty hours in this area the battalion took more than 500 prisoners, killed an unknown but substantial total, shot up tanks and trucks by direct laying with its big guns and suffered its first real casualties. Four men were either killed outright or died later of wounds, two others were seriously wounded and one slightly wounded.

Swinging eastward the 3rd Armored passed through Charleroi, Namur, Huy and Liege to the vicinity of Verviers. From the village of Dison, just north of Verviers, Battery B fired on the crossroad town of Bildchen, southwest of Aachen, at 1723 on 10 September. It was the first American artillery fire placed on the soil of Germany proper.

After marching through Eupen and Eynatten, the 991st entered Germany on 15 September just west of Kornelimunster and occupied positions near Lufterhof. The Battle of Northern France had officially ended and the Battle of the Rhineland had begun, but no one appreciated it at the time. Most of the home front and many of the troops believed that the war would end within two to four weeks.

Although the battalion remained attached to the 3rd Armored Division for the next ten weeks, the situation stabilized. Battery positions were changed only to keep away from enemy counter-battery, which for the first time became effective, and to take care of special situations. The autumnal rains set in early and the resulting mud made life most unpleasant.

Battery B was attached to the 9th Infantry Division from 14 September until 12 October to fulfill direct-laying missions against the Siegfried Line. During this time more than fifty boxes were destroyed. Many of the missions took the battery into the Hurtgen Forest and the vicinity of the Roer River dams at Schmidt.

Battery C was attached to the 1st Infantry Division from 4 October to 23 October. Working with the 18th Infantry, its guns helped to blast the pill-boxes defending Crucifix Hill outside Verlautenheide and Eilendorf to the east of Aachen. During the siege of Aachen itself, the battery used its guns in street fighting in close support of the 26th Infantry. For its Services the battery was commended by Major General Clarence R. Huebner, CG [Commanding General] of the division, and Major General J. Lawton Collins, CG of VII Corps.

During the absences of the other two firing batteries from battalion control, Battery A fired heavily to deliver the volume of fire required by 3rd Armored Division Artillery. On 7 October it received heavy counter-battery fire and five men were killed outright, three others seriously wounded and two lightly wounded. It was the heaviest single day's loss the battalion was to sustain.

In October Battery B was hit twice, the first time by planes, and the second time by heavy artillery. The bombing and strafing occurred in Brand on 12 October and eight men were wounded. The shelling took place at Brienigerberg on 19 October and one of the battery's cargo carriers was demolished.

Ammunition was exceedingly scarce at that time and the battalion conducted an experiment for First Army which enabled captured German ammunition to be fired. Tests fired by Batteries A and B proved that 15.5 cm German ammunition could be fired safely and subsequently the battalion was issued large amounts of it. It was the first time during the war that captured ammunition was fired out of American guns.

On 16 November First Army opened an offensive which was intended to push through to the Rhine at Cologne. The 3rd Armored was soon pinched out and the 991st reverted to VII Corps Control on 27 November. The battalion moved forward slowly and was firing out to the line of the Roer River when the offensive was suddenly halted by the German counter-offensive in the Ardennes.

Field Marshal von Rundstedt, the German commander, opened his surprise attack on 16 December against VIII Corps on the right flank of First Army. Three days later the battalion began to pull out of Weisweiler and Nothberg to move to Belgium to stop the German threat to Liege and the First Army rear areas. The battalion headquarters, headquarters battery and Battery C were attached to XVIII Corps (Airborne) and Battery A was attached to CCB [Combat Command B] of 3rd Armored Division. Battery B remained under control of VII Corps.

Until 3 January the First Army remained on the defensive and until that time the battalion was never entirely together. Battery A worked with 3rd Armored Division, 30th Infantry Division and XVIII Corps (Airborne). The other two batteries generally stayed together and switched back and forth from the control of VII Corps to 3rd Armored Division. Towns in which units of the 991st worked included Stoumount, LaGleize, Werbormont, Manhay, Hotton, Soy, Fanzel, and Weris.

When First Army opened-its offensive on 3 January to pinch off the German bulge, the entire battalion was again with 3rd Armored. The advance was south toward Houffalize and positions were occupied near the towns of Les Forges, Manhay, Malempre, Fraiture and, Ottre. The weather during this period was the most severe the battalion ever had to endure. It snowed almost every day and the weather was consistently cold. The temperature fell close to zero several times.

Two days before the official closing date of the Battle of the Ardennes, 25 January, the battalion was withdrawn from action and sent to Andenne, Belgium, for a Class A Ordnance check. It was the first respite from combat for the personnel since entering combat six and one-half months earlier. Before the allotted period had ended, however, the battalion was ordered back into the line.

Battery B returned to action under control of XVIII Corps (Airborne) on 31 January and prepared to occupy positions at Montenau, Belgium. Before this could be accomplished, however, it was attached to 1st Infantry Division for direct laying against the Siegfried Line in front of Ramscheid, Germany. The rest of the battalion arrived two days later and fired from positions near Honsfeld, Belgium. On 7 February the battalion was shifted to the north, still under control of XVIII Corps (Airborne), and went into position at Germeter in the Hurtgen Forest. Three days later the 991st reverted to VII Corps control again and displaced to Langerwehe. From this area it supported the 104th and 8th Infantry Divisions when they crossed the Roer River on 23-24 February.

As soon as these divisions had secured a bridgehead, the 3rd Armored Division was turned loose again and, as usual, the 991st was attached to the armor. In the early morning hours of 27 February the 991st heralded the climax of the Battle of the Rhineland by placing the first artillery fire on the valley's largest city, Cologne. During the reconnaissance for those positions on the afternoon of 26 February near the town of Morschenich the battalion nearly suffered a major disaster when the entire party including the battalion commander and all the battery commanders, narrowly escaped an intensive bombardment, apparently by friendly planes.

Cologne fell on 6 March and three days later the 991st was ordered to Lorraine to be attached to Seventh Army, which was about to assault the Siegfried Line along a line extending from Saarbruecken to Hagenau. This offensive opened on March 15 with units of the battalion working behind all three of the army's corps - the VI, XV, and XXI. Most of the battalion was concentrated behind XV Corps in front of Zweibniecken.

During the assault phases of this operation the battalion lent close support to the 3rd, 45th, 63rd, 100th and 103rd Infantry Divisions. Once the line had been penetrated, it was attached to the 6th Armored Division and rode with the division on its virtually unopposed march via Kaiserslautern to the Rhine in the vicinity of Worms.

Supporting missions for the crossing of the river at Worms by XV Corps were fired from positions inside the city. As soon as the crossing was made good, the battalion moved upstream toward Ludwigshafen and took up positions on the very banks of the river to blast any obstacles cut loose in the stream by the Germans at Mannheim to destroy our pontoon bridges.

Orders to return to First Army and VII Corps were received on 30 March and the long march north was started immediately. Led by VII Corps First Army had burst out of the Remagen bridgehead and the battalion had to march almost 400 road miles to catch up. The Moselle and Rhine Rivers were both crossed on 1 April, the Moselle at Treis, and the Rhine at Bad Godesberg.

The Battle of Central Europe began in earnest for the battalion when it rejoined the 3rd Armored on 6 April and went into position at Tietelsen, just west of the Weser River. The Weser was crossed on 9 April and one week later the battalion had rolled to the Mulde and Elbe Rivers with the armor. The 104th Infantry Division used a platoon from Battery A in street fighting in Halle and a task force from 3rd Armored used a platoon from Battery B in Bitterfeld and small towns in its vicinity.

Late on the afternoon of 24 April the battalion fired its last missions from positions just outside Dessau on the Elbe. At noon on 25 April the battalion was withdrawn from action and marched sixty miles westward to the foothills of the Harz Mountains to take up occupation duties.

After a week in the vicinity of Harkerode in the Harz the battalion moved southwestward and took over an area in northern Thuringia with a battalion CP [command post] in Allstedt-an-der-Helme, On 1 July the whole area was relinquished to the Russians and the battalion moved to Lorsch in the Rhineland between Darmstadt and Mannheim. After a month at Lorsch the battalion went up into the hills of the Odenwald east of Bensheim.

The return trip to the United States started on 19 September when the battalion made a two-day road march to Camp St. Louis near Rheims, France. After nearly a month in the Calais staging area, the outfit sailed from Marseilles on 30 October aboard the Liberty ship Jonathan Elmer. It arrived in Boston on 14 November and was deactivated at Camp Myles Standish, Taunton, Mass., on 16 November. As a result of redeployment and readjustment of high score personnel, no officer or man who had marched out of the Kingsbridge Armory more than four and one-half years before returned with the outfit.

During its nine and one-half months of combat the battalion had thirteen men killed in action and forty-three wounded. Its officers and men received 122 decorations- one Distinguished Service Cross (posthumously), three Silver Star Medals (one posthumously), eighty-eight Bronze Stars and six Air Medals with twenty-seven clusters.

The Belgian Fourragere 1940 also was awarded to the battalion as a unit for participating in the liberation of Belgium from 3 to 13 September, 1944, and in its defense from 20 December 1944 to 31 January 1945. During the liberation the battalion worked exclusively with 3rd Armored Division and during the defense it worked most of the time with the same division. It is believed that the 991st was the only non-divisional artillery battalion to receive this honor.

During its Federal service the battalion had six different commanders. Lt. Col. Edward S. Brannigan commanded until August, 1944, when he was succeeded by Major (later Lt. Col.) C. J. Reilly. Col. Reilly left in April, 1943 and was succeeded by Lt. Col. (later Col.) O. A.. Axelson. Col. Axelson was followed in October, 1944, by Lt. Col. William E. Grubbs. Major (later Lt. Col.) William E. Whalen took command in February, 1945. In September, 1945, Lt. Col. John C. Flowers assumed command and brought the outfit home.

10 May 02


A Working Bibliography of MHI Sources

"History of the 991st Field Artillery Battalion." n.p., 1955? Photocopy of typescript, 1955?
12 p. #202-991FA.1955.

"991st Field Artillery Battalion." Field Arty Jrnl 35 (Sep 1945): pp. 549-50. Per.

Sawicki, James A. Field Artillery Battalions of the U.S. Army. Vol. 2. Dumfries, VA:
Centaur, 1977. pp. 1204-06. #202-FA.1977. Brief organizational history.

Soffer, Lewis. "An M-12 Battalion in Combat." Field Arty Jrnl 35 (Jan 1945): pp. 29-31.
Per. Fighting in France from Normandy to the Siegfried Line.

Table 1991st Field Artillery Battalion reference articles on file at the U.S. Army Military History Institute (USAMHI):

991st FA Bn Unit History (2024)
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