Astrology Degrees: Meaning, Critical, Anaretic (29) Degrees | (2024)

If you’ve ever had a birth chart reading done, you’ve probably noticed some numbers next to every placement. Venus at 15 degrees in Taurus. The sun is 0 degrees in Sagittarius.

But what do these numbers really mean—not only in your chart—but for your destiny? These degrees could be the key to unlocking your future. Here’s everything you need to know about degrees in astrology.

Degrees in Astrology

While most people don’t associate astrology with math per se, astrologers actually have to do a lot of math and geometry when generating horoscopes and reading birth charts. A birth chart is laid out in a 360-degree circle (because of the ecliptic). That circle is then divided into 12 segments (made up of the 12 zodiac signs) at 30 degrees each. These are then divided once more into three decans of 10 degrees each.

Okay, we know that sounds like a lot of math and dividing, but stay with us.

Birth charts are snapshots of what the cosmos looked like the moment you took your first breath. This includes what signs the planets were in and to what degree. This is why knowing your birth time is important when creating your chart. Even being half an hour off can change the degree of a planet or your ascendant.

Degrees are also the reason that the idea of “cusps” isn’t real, as the degrees the planet moves through are so precise. You are a Libra sun, even if you were born on October 22, and the sun was at 29 degrees in Libra. It’s important to get your chart reading done, especially if you were born when the signs change over. Two people can be born on August 23, but, depending on the time (or year), one person can be a Leo sun at 29 degrees, and the other can be a Virgo sun at 0 degrees.

Every degree in your chart has a special meaning, as astrology believes nothing is random. However, some degrees hold more weight than others. These are called “critical degrees.”

The Critical Degrees

Critical degrees are an ideal in degree theory that some degrees on the zodiac wheel bring more challenges than others. They can bring the worst (but also the best) of a sign. The challenges that the degree brings can help create insight on how to make the best of your life’s journey. Let’s look at a few critical degrees.

The Ingress — 0°

The Ingress degree occurs the moment a planet moves into a new sign. This is truly the beginning of an astrological season or the beginning of a planet’s journey through a sign.

Because this is the beginning, the sign the planet is in is VERY felt here. If you’re born with a Virgo sun at 0 degrees, you are very Virgo, with all those traits felt intensely. If you’re born when Venus just enters Scorpio, all the traits of Venus in Scorpio are intensified.

You get the sign as it’s most pure, and when it feels fresh and brand new. People born with a planet in the Ingress (especially in a personal planet), are considered new souls starting their journey through life for the first time. There’s much to be done here, and it can be very difficult with everything feeling so new. However, there’s much awareness and insight to gain.


Right in the middle between the first degree (0°) and the last (29°), 15 degrees represents the key issue of the sign. If you’re born with your sun in 15 degrees in Capricorn, you have to deal with the issues and struggles that Capricorn must deal with—even if that’s your only Capricorn placement.

This degree is also where you find your reason for living in a sign. If you have 15 degrees in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius), this is called “The Avatar Degree.” The Avatar Degree means you’re the “go-to” person for your friends, family and colleagues. You make things happen with your bountiful luck and resourcefulness.

Anaretic — 29°

The anaretic degree occurs when a planet is at 29 degrees in a sign, which is the last placement of the sign before a planet moves into the next sign. This is a degree of karmic completion, and people with this degree usually appear to be “old souls.” This marks the end of a cycle and is often considered the “degree of faith.” In this area and sign in this lifetime, you’ve done everything you can, and now your soul just has to wait for the next season to arrive.

However, while this can feel like a degree of “giving up”, it’s actually the degree of mastery. If the anarectic is in your birth chart, this means you have all the tools you need to overcome all challenges of your sign—and there will be a lot.

You are gifted with understanding and self-reflection and can use those to reach your highest purpose. This can be tough to handle, knowing you have a higher purpose, but you can grow into your role as you get ready to start your next chapter.

Degrees Associated with the Zodiac Signs

Every degree is also associated with a zodiac sign. If you have a planet with one of these degrees, expect to feel the traits of that sign with more depth and intensity.

  • Aries = 1, 13, 24°
  • Taurus= 2, 14, 25
  • Gemini = 3, 15, 26
  • Cancer =4, 16, 27
  • Leo = 5, 17, 28
  • Virgo = 6, 18
  • Libra = 7, 18,
  • Scorpio =8, 19
  • Sagittarius =9, 20
  • Capricorn = 10, 21
  • Aquarius =11, 22
  • Pisces = 12, 23


How to find your degrees?

You can find your degrees by looking at your birth chart—provided you known your exact birth time and location of when you were born. You can discover your degrees by getting a birth chart reading done.

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Astrology Degrees: Meaning, Critical, Anaretic (29) Degrees | (2024)


Is 29 a critical degree in astrology? ›

In Astrology degree markers are predictive and the 29th degree is likely the most important of them all. The 29th degree is referred to as a critical degree point and for good reason. I, personally, think of it as my Magic 29 because the point is so special it's kind of magical.

What is the 29th degree angle in astrology? ›

The 29th degree indicates that you're completing an important phase in your life that's connected to the planet at that degree. According to astrology TikTok creator @shawtyherbs, the 29th degree of any zodiac sign, also known as an anaretic degree, is commonly associated with feeling the need for emotional support.

What are critical degrees in astrology? ›

Critical degrees are specific points within each sign that are known to have intensified astrological significance. These degrees are 0, 29, and sometimes 15 degrees. Each of these has a special energy and deals with beginnings, endings, and heightened traits or intensity.

Is 29 a fame degree? ›

according to nikola stojanovic's degree theory, which assigns a sign to each degree, when a planet falls in a leo degree, it indicates fame. more specifically, 5° indicates short-term fame, while 17° and 29° are long-term notoriety.

What is the 29th degree descendant? ›

The 29th degree, often referred to as the Anaretic degree, is considered a critical degree in astrology, signaling a sense of urgency and intensity. When it appears on the Ascendant or Descendant, it can add a significant flavor to your personality and relationships.

What does it mean when your Aries is in a 29 degree? ›

However, if it falls at 29 degrees Aries, that can mean you rush to evolve into something different, more significant or better. Zero degrees Aries would encourage you to stop and smell the roses, unlike 29 degrees Aries, which would push you to move forward without patience.

What is the millionaire degree in astrology? ›

So one of the greatest degrees is 29 degrees cancer. This is called the millionaires degree.

Is 29 degrees a cusp? ›

In the "Whole Sign" system, a house cusp is located between 0° and 29°59'59'', whereas other systems allow for different starting and ending degrees or signs.

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For the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), the critical degrees are 0, 13, and 26. For the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), they are 8-9 degrees and 21-22 degrees.

What is the finger of God in astrology? ›

In Astrology, the Yod, also known as the finger of God or the finger of Fate in Hebrew, is a very rare pattern occurrence on a birth chart. Three planets in the subject's natal chart assemble, at specific angles, to form an isosceles-like triangle.

Which degree is good for planets? ›

In general, planets near the edges of a sign (about 0-2 degrees or 27-29 degrees) interact with the sign weakly or have a delayed influence. Planets closer to the middle have a much stronger interaction with the sign and their influence on your life is more clear.

What is the 29 degree moon in Pisces? ›

29 degrees of Pisces is the final degree of the Zodiac, and it masters all of the lessons of the preceding signs. It is also by the fixed star known as Scheat, which is at 28 to 29 degrees of the mutable water sign of Pisces. Scheat is the fixed star associated with loss, drowning, and self undoing.

What celebrities have a 29 degree degree? ›

The reason why ”29° Cancer” is known as the ”Millionaire's Degree” is because of the placements from Rockefeller's chart. Michelangelo and Schubert's Mercury is at 29° Aquarius. Leonardo di Caprio, Will Smith, Joaquin Phoenix, Naomi Watts, Emma Stone's Mercury is located at 29° Libra.

What is 29 degrees in american? ›

Celsius to Fahrenheit
Celsius (°C)Fahrenheit (°F)
29 °C84.2 °F
30 °C86.0 °F
31 °C87.8 °F
32 °C89.6 °F
67 more rows

What is the 29 degree progressed chart? ›

Picture this: you're at the edge of a significant astrological precipice. At 29 degrees, the progressed Sun signals a transition phase where old energies waltz with new beginnings. It's like standing at the crossroads of your astrological journey, where past and future converge.

What is the 29 degree of Pisces? ›

Throughout 2024, Neptune will hover at Pisces' anaretic degree (29º), signifying a time of dissolve and transition in a cycle that began in 1860 and reached its culminating sequence in 2011. ⁣ Astrology studies cycles of time, and considers how these cycles shape and transform our personal and collective realities.

What is the 29 degree of Scorpio? ›

At 29° Scorpio, there is Fixed Star Toliman, which is of the nature of Venus and Jupiter. The process is of discovering your spiritual depth and facing with your own darkness before moving into a mutable sign, Sagittarius.

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