Battle for Dream Island Again Do—Over - Chapter 18 - Richmountain112 (2024)

Chapter Text

BFDIADO 15: Insectophobe's Nightmare 4

Recommended Characters

Batch 1: Blood bag, Medicine pill, Cotton Ball, and Band-aid

Batch 2: Mechanical Pencil, IDK who else to put here

Batch 3: Nine Volt Battery, Button Cell Battery, and

Batch 4: Yellow Face (with sunglasses), Peanut Butter, 2 Metal Balls, Blue Coiny, Popsicle, David, Green Cube, and Neon Sign; basically very similar to the ones in BFDIA 12.


Book: "Hi Pin. Would it be possible to have bugs host the show?"

Pin: "It's a crazy idea. No one would do that."

(Pan over to Pencil, Book, Icy, and Rocky. Ice Cube is reading Book)

Rocky: "BULLEH!"

Pencil: "Eww."

Book: "Can you stop reading me Ruby?"

Ice Cube: (Reading Book) "When I am done."

Firey: (Slight jumpscare in front of Ice Cube, Pencil, Rocky, and Book) "YOU'RE ALL UP FOR ELIMINATION!!" (Realizes that Pin is also in there) "Except for you Pin."

Cake at Stake Introduction (TV): "I ain't givin' up!! I ain't givin' up!! It's Cake at Stake, Lewis!!"

Clones of the Winners and Recommended Characters (All batches): "Ah-hahahaha-hawhawhehe—LOSERS!!"

Firey: "Anyone like the new Cake at Stake song?"

Gelatin: "It was pretty good…"

Pin: "Yeah." (Smile) "TV did a great job in the TROLL after he was recovered!"

Gelatin: "...for what TV could do." (Pin frowns at him) "What? TV always sucked at songs."

Pen: "I still prefer the old one."

Firey: Enough enough. Let's reveal the likes!

Prize: Bug Repellent
Ice Cube

Book: "Yeah!" (Spins the colorful prize wheel) "Bug repellent?"

Firey: "This episode's Cake for Cake at Stake is Pufferfish!"

Pencil: "Rocky HAS to get out! If he stays one of us will have to leave!"

Firey: "Book is first safe with [unspecified number of] votes

Book: "Yeah!" (takes a bite from her pufferfish) "Yuck!"

Golf Ball: "If you've read my book of BFDI Tips and Tricks, Tip 45 says you should never bite a Pufferfish, let alone eat one!" (Book gets poisoned from the pufferfish)

Firey: "Ice Cube, you're also safe!"

Ice Cube: "Yeah!" (Holding her pufferfish) "I think I'll pass on this."

Firey: (sarcastically) "Ha. Now it's back to the bottom 2, Pencil and Rocky!"

Pencil: "Oh no! I don't want to be eliminated again!"

Firey Speaker Box: "Spoiler alert: Rocky is out!" (Everyone is somewhat shocked but not surprised)

Rocky: (Frowns) "M-HMPH!"

Firey: "What?" (Frown) "It wasn't even close." (Rocky is teleported to the TROLL)


Ice Cube


The contestants are now inside a fashion store, Flower's So-HA fashion store to be specific. A Pin Recovery Center is installed in the building.

Flower: "Welcome to my So-HA fashion store! We have shirts, shoes, pants, and fans…" (Realizes that she forgot about the bugs) " Please get rid of the bugs for me!"

Ruby: "Will do, Ms Beautiful!" (Starts vacuuming around. Pan over to Firey)

Firey Speaker Box: "Uhh… turn around."

Firey: (realizes that TV has been thrown out again) "TV, what are you doing here? I thought you were eliminated!"

TV: (Pleading not to get thrown) "They threw me out again after last episode and I got recovered outside the TROLL."

Firey Speaker Box: "No excuses!" (Flings TV back to the TROLL) "Bye!"

Gelatin: "Uhhh…" (TV falls back to the ground and lands on Firey Speaker Box)

Firey: "Oh no! My baby!"

Golf Ball: "I'm calling someone right now!" (Golf Ball gets on FSB's phone) "Whoever you are, COME HOST NOW!"

Pen: "Wait," (looking at the phone) "his last contact was…" (The contact was revealed to be the Bugs) "LOOK!!!"

Golf Ball: "Silly Pen, a bug is a technical glitch that can easily be fixed. FSB could've updated his phone." (Bugs swarm into the room from everywhere, including from the bed, the sink, and even inside the bathroom)

Everyone: "AAAAAAAAUGH!!"

Purple Bomby: (He runs towards the exit but it was revealed to be locked) "LET US OUT LET US OUT!! (Bugs cover him) "AAAH!" (The bugs pick him up, turn him around and place his feet near the challenge wheel) "Wait, what's going on?"

Bugs (Translation): "We are the host now."

Purple Bomby: Oh, you bugs are the HOST now? That's wonderful!"

Firey: "No! I am the host!"

Purple Bomby: (spins the challenge wheel) "Bug-filled dodgeball insanity?

Flower: "WHAT!?"

Purple Bomby: "That's pretty cool!" (Flower is upset in the background)

Pen: "But how do we win?"

Needle: "I guess the last ones alivewill be immune from elimination?" (The bugs form a thumbs-up, complete with a "ding" sound effect. Gelatin is eaten by a big bug and the screen declares him to be disqualified)

Firey: "One more thing: Don't interrupt the symphony in the Yoyle Symphonies, Music, and Arts Theater." (A big bug then eats him, but because the bugs are fireproof they didn't burn. It then slips and bumps into Flower)

Flower: "OOF!" (Immediately they also get in Flower's face and Pen poisons her)

Pen: "One question: How do we win?" (Flower is revealed to be knocked out of the challenge by the TV installed in the room. A timer of )

Pencil: "Last one standing at the end of 3 hours wins?" (Holds a bug) "Sounds cool to me!" (Poisons Pin with it)

Pin: "Oh no! How long do I have to live again?"

Golf Ball: "The poison lands in the brain in—" (Pin gets poisoned) "Let's all recite our favorite things about Pin." (Pin is recovered)

Pen: "HEY!! No fair! Why do you get a free recovery center?" (Poisons Golf Ball)

Pin then writes "Golf Ball" on a sheet of paper and slaps it onto her personal Recovery Center. Golf Ball is recovered.

Golf Ball: "Yay."

Purple Bomby then stuffs the entire recovery center with the bugs by reversing the vacuum flow direction.

Pen: "Oh no! It's going to blow!"


Golf Ball: "If we want to avoid dying, we need to collect Anti-Poison!"

Pin: "We should go to the Yoyle Hospital!"

Blood Bag: "Shhh! So rude, you're gonna wake up the fish!"

Golf Ball: "What fish?" (Cut to First Aid Kit)

Pin: "Hello, First Aid Kit. We're here for some anti-poison."

First Aid Kit: "Sorry but we're all out of anti-poison."

Golf Ball: "Drat!" (Notices that Pin is missing as she ran off after ) "PIN! Wait for MEEEEE!!" (Dashes after Pin)

Needle: "Do you know where Pin went?"

First Aid Kit: "They appeared to have ran to the bug hideout."

Ruby: "Bug hideout? That's near my brother's mineshaft!"

First Aid Kit: "I would not go there if I were you." (Pulls up a picture of the bug hideout) "It's pretty dangerous. The Yoyle Beast tends to frequent the area, bugs are all over the place, and if you hurt their Queen, then ALL of the bugs will target you."

Ruby: "Okay, GOT IT!!" (Dashes off towards the bug hideout)

Recommended Characters - Batch 1: "HEY!"


As the Yoyle Beast got more ferocious, FreeSmart hid behind a bush.

Ruby: "Hold on. Has it ever been a thing that loud noises scare wild animals?"

Book: "How are we gonna get loud noises? It is not stated in my dictionary that Yoyle Beasts are afraid of loud noises."

Pencil: "Coyote Caller anyone?" (Uses the Coyote Caller, which sounded more like a high-pitched whistle than an actual coyote whistle. The Yoyle Beast fled the scene, waiting to come back for another day.


Realistic Fish Head from SpongeBob SquarePants: "This is the Yoyle News Network, special report." (An image of the Bug Hideout is shown, with its "CAUTION" tape perimeter breached by what appears to be a large car, suspiciously similar in size to the FreeSmart SuperVan. Bugs are shown everywhere) "So much destruction, this reporter asks, why." (An image of Pencil is brought up) "Local consensus places the blame on this this negligent object show contestant who— OLPH" (He gets ran over by the FreeSmart SuperVan with Ruby inside the driver's seat)

Ruby: "Lalalalala!" (The news segment abruptly ends. Cut to Golf Ball and Pin being inside the bug hideout with FreeSmart not far behind)



Golf Ball: "Start looking for the Queen bug!"

Pin: (Looking at a bug) "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9- nope."

Golf Ball: (Looking at another bug) "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9- nope."

Pin: (looks at yet another bug) "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9- nope, not this one either."

Golf Ball: (Looking at a bug in a pitcher plant) "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9- nope." (Cut to them finding the Queen Bug)

Pin: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14- FOUND IT!."

Golf Ball: (Hands Pin a Yoyle Straw made of Yoyle paper) "Start sucking with this Yoyle Straw!"




Golf Ball: "Keep sucking! Keep sucking!" (Notices that Pin is getting tired. Needle is watching in the background) "If you heat it up too much it will denature the anti-poison."

Pin: "We got the anti-poison! Let's go!"

An alarm bug (a bug with an alarm on top of it) went off, and as everyone except for Pencil escaped the hideout, the bugs all targeted her, covering her entire body from top to bottom and poisoning her.


Flower: "What happened?"

Golf Ball: "Good. It works." (Poisons Flower again)

Pin: "Let's go!"

Ice Cube: (Spots Pin and Golf Ball) "AFTER THEM!!"


Yoyle News Reporter: "This is the Yoyle News Network. Bugs have been flooding the city and poisoning everyone! It's only a matter of time before—" (A bug crawls on top of the news anchor and poisons the pretty lady, ending the anime-styled broadcast (barring the bug) in TV static)


Purple Bomby: "Hello Tomato!"

Unbeknownst to Bomby, a pufferfish tank was right next to him. One of them munched on a carrot in the same vein as the Pufferfish Carrot meme.

Unknown Announcer: (Coconut Mall music starts playing, sung by a bunch of pufferfish eating carrots) "You have been Pufferfish Carrot Mall'd. I hope you can still enjoy this episode even though you've just been Pufferfish Carrot Mall'd. Share this with all of your friends to totally Pufferfish Carrot Mall them."

Purple Bomby: (annoyed by the meme) "Are you serious!?" (Crosses his arms) "I'm not doing it!" (The pufferfish frowns, then punches Bomby by making clones of itself and using them as arms)

Tomato: "HAHA!"

Bomby: "GRRR!" (Poisons Tomato with one of his bugs)

Tomato is then recovered using a nearby Tomato Recovery Center, all grumpy and seemingly tired despite being newly recovered.

Bomby: "That's what you get for pufferfish carrot malling me!" (Notices Pen from outside the mall) "After him!" (Realizes that there's no one else with him as Tomato has walked away) "Oh well." (Dashes out of the room and into the street)


A bug gets inside the car wash, poisoning the car and preventing it, as well as the rest of the facility, from moving. The driver is highly annoyed by this.

Box of UNO Cards: (Annoyed) "Oh great!" (Bugs get inside his car; partially sarcastically) "There are bugs everywhere!" (A bug poisons him from behind)


They then hit a collapsed section of road. Pen, seemingly cornered, pulled up a balloon from his pocket and inflated it quickly.

Bomby then throws a bug at Pen's balloon, popping it and causing him to fall to the ground, through the roof and into a seat he didn't pay for.

Pen: (lands in a symphony right before it starts) "Where am I?"

Ace of Spades: "SHHHH!! The music is about to start!"

Green Stop Sign: "So rude."

Pam Flute: "Ladies and gentlemen! I am Pan Flute, and welcome to this live performanceof my piece, "Call to Adventure!"

The audience claps as the orchestral song begins within a few seconds as the recommended character names and their recommenders appeared and scrolled quickly.



Meanwhile Bomby landed fine on the collapsed roadway just fine. Ice Cube and Book then fell down the ledge with Icy shattering.

Ice Cube: "Oh noooo!" (Falls down into the collapsed roadway. She dies from the fall)

Book: "



Golf Ball: "Pen, we're here!"

Pin: (Drops the Pen Detector) "What's this?" (Looks up at the sign) "Yoyle Symphonies, Music, and Arts Theater? Cool!"

Golf Ball: "Now is not the time for distractions." (They walk inside the theater)

Pin: "Ooh, Pan Flute is performing?"

Golf Ball: "Focus on Pen you doofus!"

Pin: "Oh. Right right right right right." (They enter the symphony auditorium)

Golf Ball: "We found you Pen—"

Recommended Characters batch 2: "Shhh. So rude!"

Golf Ball: (spots Pen) "There." (Golf Ball throws a bug using a slingshot)

Pen: "Aaugh!"

The bug lands inside one of the French horns and it spits out several more, flying across the room before landing near Failing Report Card.

Failing Report Card: "Aaaah! There's bugs everywhere!"

Recommended Characters Batch 2: "Shhh. So rude!"

Another bug is thrown and lands near the Violins, making more bugs and poisoning them.

Pan Flute: (Notices that the violins are poisoned) "Why are the violins so quiet? Louder, louder."

Recommended Character Batch 3: (to Pan Flute) "Shhh. So Rude."

(Pin throws more bugs at a breakneck pace, flying everywhere inside the symphony)


Pin: "I found this trebuchet around the corner!"

Golf Ball: (fills the trebuchet with bugs) "Got it!" (Launches the bugs in the trebuchet) "This feels more like TB's thing."

Bugs are now flying through the building causing the Recommended Characters in the vicinity to scream loudly, barring Pan Flute of course.

Recommended Characters: "AAAAUGH!!"

Pan Flute: (hears the audience screaming due to bugs poisoning them) "Do I hear cheering from the audience!? They love it! Louder, woodwinds!" (Bugs are thrown at the woodwinds, poisoning them) "Louder, Drums!" (Bugs are thrown at the drums, poisoning them) "Louder, horns!" (More bugs are thrown at the brass section, poisoning them. None of the instruments are playing anymore) "Does "louder" now mean "stopplaying"? I'm so confused."

Pen starts to do the dodging pattern around bugs, but a conveniently-placed one poisoned him halfway through. Cut to outside the theater with Needle and Ruby.



Ruby: "Holy moly, Pan Flute is on stage right now? I'm a HUGE fan of all of his royalty-free music!"

Needle: "Something feels… off, to me."

Ruby: (Opens the door to see bugs flying inside the theater) "It's probably because these bugs are EVERYWHERE!!"


Needle: (Looking at GB's anti-poison) "And THAT must be Tennis Ball's antipoison stash!"

Ruby: "What are you doing, Needlington?"

Needle: "Time to denature their anti-poison."

(Needle throws a bug at Pin. She steps out of the way so it hits Golf Ball instead)

Pin: "You must not know our secret weapon!" (Tries using the denatured anti poison but it doesn't revive golf ball) "Huh? Why won't you un-poison?"

Needle: "Ha."

Pin: "Needle, you need—"

Needle: "I got my ears on you!"

Pin: "I meant meanie!"

Needle: (Slaps Pin) Don't call me Needy!" (Poisons Pin with a bug)



Bomby: "Finally! I'm here. And with no one chasing after me."

Ruby: (Wearing a cowboy hat) "This town isn't big enough for the two of us, so prepare for your DOOM!" (Throws a bug at Bomby, who subsequently dodged it, upsetting Ruby) "Bomby dodged it!? WAAAA!!"

The fourth batch of Recommended Characters is about to leave, annoyed at the bugs' intervention of the symphony.

Peanut Butter Jar: "This crying little girl is disrupting our musical experience!"

Two Metal Balls: "Ugh. So rude."

Green Cube: "Restrain her!" (They restrained Ruby.)

Ruby: "Needle! It's up to you to SAVE FREESMAAARRRT!!"

Needle: "You realize that FreeSmart is already disbanded, right?"

Ruby: (muffled) "MMMPH!" (Evil Leafy BMs into the room)

Evil Leafy: *BM*

Recommended Characters Batch 4: (Glaring at Evil Leafy) "SHHH!! So rude!" (Huddled around Evil Leafy, who BMs away towards the screen)

Evil Leafy: *BM*

Recommended Characters Batch 4 plus Ruby and Needle: "AAAUGH!" (All of them run away from the Yoyle Symphonies, Music, and Arts Theater)


Pan Flute: "And that's "Call to Adventure"! What did you guys think?" (Cut to the dead audience) "Huh? Anyone still alive?"

Yellow Face: (from Offscreen) "They're all dead!"

Pan Flute: "No one said they didn't like it though." (Notices Evil Leafy in the building) "Even Evil Leafy liked it."

Evil Leafy: (teleports on top of Pan Flute) *BM*

Sometime later, the same audience that got poisoned earlier is now recovered and is rating the show 1 star out of five, all upset and angry while passing over the rating button in rapid succession akin to the ones that booted Ice Cube off in Season 1. Strangely the only one that didn't get poisoned, in addition to the ones that escaped due to Evil Leafy, were Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw, who rated it 2 stars due to the bugs cutting off the show in the middle of the symphony as well as the contestants interrupting what was left of it.



Recommended Characters

Batch 1: Blood bag, Medicine pill, Cotton Ball, and Band-aid

Batch 2: Mechanical Pencil, IDK who else to put here

Batch 3: Nine Volt Battery, Button Cell Battery, and Hawkfrost

Batch 4: Yellow Face (with sunglasses), Peanut Butter, 2 Metal Balls, Blue Coiny, Popsicle, David, Green Cube, and Neon Sign; basically very similar to the ones in BFDIA 12.

Challenge Placings:

Needle and Ruby (tied, both survived): 3 hours = 180 points
Bomby: 2 hours 55 minutes = 175 points
Pin: 2 hours 50 minutes = 170 points
Golf Ball: 2 hours 49 minutes = 169 points
Pen: 2 hours 40 minutes = 160 points
Book: 2 hours 21 minutes = 141 points
Ice Cube: 2 hours 20 minutes = 140 points
Pencil: 1 hour = 60 points
Flower: About a minute = 1 points
Gelatin: Disqualified = 0 points


Needle: 267 (+180)
Ruby: 227 (+180)
Bomby: 225 (+175)
Pen: 222 (+160) and 1 win token
Pin: 218 (+169)
Golf Ball: 195 (+169)
Book: 166 (+141)
Ice Cube: 150 (+140)
Flower: 101 (+1) and 1 win token
Pencil: 86 (+60)
Gelatin: 29 (+0)

Eliminated: Donut, Dora, Match, Bubble, Puffball, Pencil, Coiny, Black Hole, Fries, Tennis Ball, Teardrop, TV, Yellow Face, and Rocky

Hosts: Firey, The Bugs

Other: Evil Leafy, Yoyle Beast


Gelatin: "Oh no! Because I was disqualified for the challenge due to being immune to bug poison, I am up for elimination!"

Firey: "Wait, actually we are NOT doing an elimination next episode."

Gelatin: "Phew."

(Bugs eat the previous voting screen and replace it with a Debut version)

Firey: "Vote for any one of these on-screen!"

Up for Debut:

8 Ball
Firey Jr
Robot Flower

AN: It probably would be more in-character for Pin and Golf Ball to target Fries but since he is eliminated I had to go with Pen. Maybe I should have kept him? Oh well, it's too late to turn back now.

I also decided to add some news reports. One of them is similar to one of the SpongeBob ones (I first heard of it as a meme-ish video of Mushroom Peaks being picked on YouTube), specifically from the episode "No Free Rides" (got this from SpongeBob Wiki, haven't actually watched it aside from that news report thing which is only barely 12 seconds long). Tell me what you think and whether or not I should remove them.

About the debut, I have already decided who it is but I won't spoil it yet so stay tuned! Feel free to guess though.

Battle for Dream Island Again Do—Over - Chapter 18 - Richmountain112 (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.