Extensão:TimedMediaHandler - MediaWiki (2024)


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Manual de extensões do MediaWiki
Estado da versão: estável
ImplementaçãoMídia, API
DescriçãoProvides integrated support for server side transcoding, WebM, Ogg Theora, Vorbis, MP3, Speex and Timed Text
Autor(es)Michael Dale, Jan Gerber, Tim Starling, James Heinrich, Brooke Vibber, Derk-Jan Hartman
Última versão0.6.0
Política decompatibilidadeSnapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master is not backward compatible.
MediaWiki>= 1.42
Modifica o bancode dadosSim
LicençaGNU GPL (Licença Pública Geral) 2.0 ou superior


  • $wgMediaAudioTypes
  • $wgMediaVideoTypes
  • $wgWaitTimeForTranscodeReset
  • $wgTmhEnableMp4Uploads
  • $wgUseFFmpeg2
  • $wgEnableTranscode
  • $wgTranscodeSoftSizeLimit
  • $wgTmhPriorityResolutionThreshold
  • $wgFFmpegVP9RowMT
  • $wgEnableIframeEmbed
  • $wgParserTestMediaHandlers
  • $wgTranscodeBackgroundSizeLimit
  • $wgTranscodeBackgroundTimeLimit
  • $wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet
  • $wgTmhSoundfontLocation
  • $wgEnabledTranscodeSet
  • $wgMinimumVideoPlayerSize
  • $wgFFmpegThreads
  • $wgTmhFluidsynthLocation
  • $wgTranscodeBackgroundMemoryLimit
  • $wgTmhFileExtensions
  • $wgFFmpegLocation
  • $wgTmhPriorityLengthThreshold
  • $wgTimedTextForeignNamespaces
  • $wgTimedTextNS

Direitos adicionados

  • transcode-reset
  • transcode-status

Hooks usados

  • ArticleContentOnDiff
  • ArticleFromTitle
  • ArticlePurge
  • BeforePageDisplay
  • CanonicalNamespaces
  • FileDeleteComplete
  • FileUndeleteComplete
  • FileUpload
  • ImageOpenShowImageInlineBefore
  • ImagePageAfterImageLinks
  • ImagePageFileHistoryLine
  • LoadExtensionSchemaUpdates
  • MediaWikiPerformAction
  • PageDeleteComplete
  • PageMoveComplete
  • PageSaveComplete
  • ParserTestGlobals
  • RevisionFromEditComplete
  • SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal
  • TitleMove
  • wgQueryPages
Quarterly downloads216 (Ranked 30th)
Public wikis using1,290 (Ranked 218th)
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ProblemasTarefas em aberto · Relatar um bug

The TimedMediaHandler extension allows you to display audio and video files in wiki pages, using the same syntax as for image files.It includes the VideoJS Player.There is support for subtitles and captions (aka Timed Text) and real time stream switching between multiple WebM and other derivatives and many other features.TMH server side support includes options for uploading HTML5 audio and video, multiple transcode profiles to deliver content, playback of MIDI files, metadata parsing for Ogg and WebM videos, and integration with MediaWiki's job queue system for scheduling transcoding jobs.

For new and upcoming developments in 2022 and beyond, see Extension:TimedMediaHandler/2022 work.

Please note that TimedMediaHandler does not currently work with PostgreSQL. See tarefa T157424.

Visão Geral de Recursos

For the player see: VideoJS Player.

For features of the subtitling system, see Commons:Timed Text page.

Sinopse da sintaxe

In addition to the image embed syntax, Timed Media Handler supports:

Display a video at its nominal size. Displays a still image from the midpoint with a play button to start a pop-up video player.
Show a placeholder for a sound file, with a play button. The player will appear inline, or as a pop-up if the audio file has closed captioning/subtitles.
Generate digital audio from the music instructions in the MIDI file, and show the embedded audio player to play this audio.
Show a video in a floating thumbnail box <gallery>File:Video.ogv</gallery>
Show a video embedded in an image gallery (each clip will popup a dialog for the full player)
Use a frame from 1 minute 25 seconds into the video as the placeholder image. A single number is taken as an offset in seconds. One can also use HH:MM:SS, e.g. 1:02:22 will be 1 hour, 2 minutes, and 22 seconds into the video. Floating-point seconds are supported (but broken on Wikimedia wikis: phab:T228467).
Temporal media fragments displays a video clip starting at 1 minute 25 seconds into the video. A single number is taken as an offset in seconds. You can also include an end time of the form end=1:30 which would result in a clip of 5 seconds playing from 1:25 to 1:30. If thumbtime is not provided, the start time will be used for the displayed thumbnail. One can also use HH:MM:SS, e.g. 1:02:22 will be 1 hour, 2 minutes, and 22 seconds into the video.
start= and end= can also be used as query parameters in the URL for a video's file page.
Start the media with muted audio. (introduzido na 1.39)
Loop the video continuously. (introduzido na 1.39)
The syntax words noicon and noplayer are deprecated and do not function. The keyword disablecontrols will likely be deprecated. (See task T135537) It takes a comma-separated list of any of the following values: options, timedText, fullscreen

Suporte ao Cliente


The player works on most modern browsers (see MediaWiki's support matrix).Mobile support is spotty, especially on iOS.

TimedMediaHandler includes a JavaScript compatibility shim for Ogg audio/video that works in Safari, Internet Explorer 10/11, and Microsoft Edge browsers.

Third-party users of MediaWiki may also wish to manually enable MP4 H.264/AAC support for native video and audio playback in Safari/IE/Edge, but when using these formats you may need a patent license from MPEG-LA for internet broadcasting.


You will want a recent version of ffmpeg in order to support encoding to WebM (with the latest version of VP9).

  • Baixe e coloque o(s) arquivo(s) num diretório chamado TimedMediaHandler na sua pasta extensions/.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/TimedMediaHandler
  • Se estiver instalando a partir do git, execute o Composer para instalar as dependências PHP através de composer install --no-dev no diretório da extensão. (Veja tarefa T173141 para possíveis complicações.)
  • Adicione o seguinte código ao final do seu arquivo LocalSettings.php:
    wfLoadExtension( 'TimedMediaHandler' );$wgFFmpegLocation = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'; // Most common ffmpeg path on Linux
  • Execute o script de atualização que criará automaticamente as tabelas de banco de dados necessárias a essa extensão.
  • Configure as required.
  • You may need to increase the allowed memory in $wgMaxShellMemory.
  • Extensão:TimedMediaHandler - MediaWiki (3)Concluído – Navegue à página Special:Version em sua wiki para verificar se a instalação da extensão foi bem sucedida.

The extension will automatically add supported file types (except for mp4) to $wgFileExtensions, so you do not need to manually add video file types.

After downloading this extension, please note that it requires Composer.

So, after installation change to the directory containing the extension e.g. "../extensions/TimedMediaHandler/" and run composer install --no-dev, or when updating: composer update --no-dev.

Alternatively as well as preferably add the line "extensions/TimedMediaHandler/composer.json" to the "composer.local.json" file in the root directory of your wiki like e.g.

{"extra": {"merge-plugin": {"include": ["extensions/TimedMediaHandler/composer.json"]}}}

Comparison of Wikipedia media encoding options

As of 2018, Wikimedia sites use VP9.

Sorted by bandwidth tier:

BitrateMbit/sWebM VP8WebM VP9
Super Low0.08160p
Very Low0.16160p240p
Very high4.01080p1440p
Super high8.02160p

Detailed options:

Comprimento máximo (pixels)288426640854128019202884266408541280192025604096
Altura máxima (pixels)1602403604807201080160240360480720108014402160
Bitrate (Mbit/s)
Taxa de amostra (Hz)4410048000


Extensão:TimedMediaHandler - MediaWiki (4)

Esta página está desatualizada.

Ele foi escrito para uma versão mais antiga do MediaWiki e pode não se aplicar à versão mais recente. Se verificou ou atualizou esta página e determinou que o conteúdo é adequado, remova este aviso, por favor.

This section is out of date -- please update me

Here are some configuration variables which may be useful:

// The minimum size for an embed video player (smaller than this size uses a pop-up player).$wgMinimumVideoPlayerSize = 200;// If transcoding is enabled for this wiki (if disabled, no transcode jobs are added and no transcode status is displayed).// Note if remote embedding an asset we will still check if the remote repo has transcoding enabled and associated flavors// for that media embed.$wgEnableTranscode = true;// The total amout of time a transcoding shell command can take:$wgTranscodeBackgroundTimeLimit = 3600 * 8;// Maximum amount of virtual memory available to transcoding processes in KB$wgTranscodeBackgroundMemoryLimit = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2GB avconv, ffmpeg2theora mmap resources so virtual memory needs to be high enough// Maximum file size transcoding processes can create, in KB$wgTranscodeBackgroundSizeLimit = 3 * 1024 * 1024; // 3GB// Number of threads to use in avconv for transcoding$wgFFmpegThreads = 1;// The NS for TimedText (registered on MediaWiki.org)// https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension_namespace_registration// Note commons pre-dates TimedMediaHandler and should set $wgTimedTextNS = 102 in LocalSettings.php$wgTimedTextNS = 710;// Set TimedText namespace for ForeignDBViaLBRepo on a per wikiID basis// $wgTimedTextForeignNamespaces = [ 'commonswiki' => 102 ];$wgTimedTextForeignNamespaces = [];/*** Default enabled transcodes** -If set to empty array, no derivatives will be created* -Derivative keys encode settings are defined in WebVideoTranscode.php** -These transcodes are *in addition to* the source file.* -Only derivatives with smaller width than the source asset size will be created* -Regardless of source size at least one WebM and Ogg source will be created from the $wgEnabledTranscodeSet* -Derivative jobs are added to the MediaWiki JobQueue the first time the asset is uploaded* -Derivative should be listed min to max*/// Starting from 1.31// All valid string values are listed in the extension's extension.json file $wgEnabledTranscodeSet = [ '160p.webm' => true, '240p.webm' => true, '360p.webm' => true, '480p.webm' => true, '720p.webm' => true, '1080p.webm' => true,];$wgEnabledAudioTranscodeSet = ['ogg' => true, // ogg+vorbis'opus' => false, // ogg+opus'mp3' => true, // raw mp3'm4a' => false, // mp4+aac (mp4a.40.5)];// If mp3 source assets can be ingested:$wgTmhEnableMp3Uploads = true;// If mp4 source assets can be ingested:$wgTmhEnableMp4Uploads = false;// If you use ffmpeg 2 can be set it to true$wgUseFFmpeg2 = false;

For transcoding, make sure you have $wgMaxShellMemory, $wgMaxShellTime, $wgMaxShellFileSize are large enough to allow encoding jobs to run and save output. Default values are most likely too low.

Running transcode jobs

Because transcode jobs are resource intensive they will not run as part of normal job queue (see task T29336) Instead they must be requested by the --type argument:

php maintenance/runJobs.php --type webVideoTranscode

If running this command causes it to hang forever, you may need to set $wgTranscodeBackgroundTimeLimit = 0; in LocalSettings.php.See tarefa T206957.

Encoding nodes

To be able to transcode many videos you might want to run multiple encoding nodes that connect to the master db and access your file store directly. You will need to install ffmpeg.

Minimal install under Debian and Ubuntu

apt install ffmpeg

Plus, add this to your LocalSettings.php (tested for Devuan ASCII (Archived 2018-09-23 at the Wayback Machine) only):

$wgFFmpegLocation = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg';


This section needs expansion

ffmpegfailed to map segment from shared object
You need to increase the allowed memory in $wgMaxShellMemory.
Class 'getID3' not found
You need to install the extension's PHP dependencies using Composer, see the installation section.
Unrecognized option 'max_muxing_queue_size'
You may be using ffmpeg 2. You need add $wgUseFFmpeg2 = true; to your LocalSettings.php.
Unrecognized option 'max_muxing_queue_size'
You may be using ffmpeg 2. You need add $wgUseFFmpeg2 = true; to your LocalSettings.php.
[exception] […] /index.php?title=Special:Upload Error: Call to undefined method FSFile::getLocalRefPath()
This extension is incompatible with Extension:EmbedVideo. Uninstall it. You may also need to make sure you did the composer steps properly.
Extensão:TimedMediaHandler - MediaWiki (5)Esta extensão está sendo usada(o) por um ou mais projetos da Wikimedia. Isto significa que, provavelmente, a extensão é estável e funciona bem o suficiente para ser utilizada(o) em sites da web de alto tráfego. Procure pelo nome dessa extensão nos arquivos de configuração CommonSettings.php e InitialiseSettings.php da Wikimedia para verificar onde ela foi instalada. Uma lista completa das extensões instaladas numa wiki em particular podem ser visualizadas na página Special:Version da wiki.
Extensão:TimedMediaHandler - MediaWiki (6)Esta extensão está incluída nas seguintes fazendas/hospedagens (farms/hosts) e/ou pacotes wiki:
Esta não é uma lista autoritativa (oficial). Algumas fazendas/hospedagens (farms/hosts) e/ou pacotes wiki podem conter esta extensão mesmo que não estejam listados aqui. Sempre verifique com suas fazendas/hospedagens (farms/hosts) ou pacotes wiki para confirmar.
Extensão:TimedMediaHandler - MediaWiki (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.