Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (2024)

1-877-627-0669363rd Ave Ipswich, SD

Our beautifully colored pheasants are available from day-old to adult.

Our beautifully colored pheasants are available from day-old to adult.

One thing that sets us apart from other producers is our ability to raise birds without blinders. With our large 2,600′ long flight pens full of thick cover, we are able to raise a flightier bird that performs amazing in the field. It is practically impossible to tell these are released birds.

Our birds raised with blinders are great for those of you who aren’t as concerned about being as discreet with releasing birds. You still get a very “flighty” bird at a lower cost than our “toe clipped” roosters.

Watch the 7 Step Process For Day Old Chicks

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (4)

One thing that sets us apart from other producers is our ability to raise birds without blinders. With our large 2,600′ long flight pens full of thick cover, we are able to raise a flightier bird that performs amazing in the field. It is practically impossible to tell these are released birds.

Our birds raised with blinders are great for those of you who aren’t as concerned about being as discreet with releasing birds. You still get a very “flighty” bird at a lower cost than our “toe clipped” roosters.

Watch the 7 Step Process For Day Old Chicks

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (5)

day-old chicks

The perfect way to start your pheasant program.

If you’re ready to get your pheasant-raising program started, or want to improve your program, these healthy, active chicks are not only the most economical way to do it, but the perfect way to begin. We take pride in the fact that our adult birds are the best release birds available and you can have the very same stock with these well-bred chicks.

We hatch an average of 60,000 chicks every week on Mondays and select Thursdays, April through July. The chicks are ready the same day they hatch for delivery or pick-up.

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (6)

Day-Old Chick Varieties:

Sexed Roosters

Straight Run

Hen Chicks

Started Roosters

Hatching Eggs (if available)

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (7)


Chicks hatch each week from April - July


Chicks can hatch in an hour


Roosters can be delivered in a single truck load


Hens housed in five barns

started pheasants

Our started birds are available for those who want to raise the birds on their own, but don’t have time to put into starting day old chicks. To accommodate your situation, we sell birds at any age.

Started birds are available from 2 weeks to 15 weeks. They can be raised to release age with somewhat less expense than day-old chicks and less labor on your part.


Ready-to-add to your pheasant hunting population this fall, we provide you a selection of the finest birds around. All the roosters at Gisi Pheasant Farms are beautifully colored, with some of the longest tail feathers around. We give them up to 50-square feet per bird in our flight pens. With all that room, they are ready to perform in your fields and give you the hunt of a lifetime.

Our adult rooster pheasants are 16 weeks or older and are perfectly conditioned for release on your farm this fall. They have been raised to be strong flyers, survive in the wild, and are of course, very wild! These birds will help make your hunting operation a success because they will perform to you and your hunters’ expectations of what great ‘sporting birds’ should be.

adult pheasant options

Adult Roosters raised with blinders

Adult Roosters raised without blinders

12-13 Week Old Pheasants

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (8)

14-15 Week Old Pheasants

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (9)

25+ Week Old Pheasants

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (10)

25+ Week Old Pheasants

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (11)

15-16 Week Old Pheasants

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (12)

14-15 Week Old Pheasants

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (13)

Rooster Run

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (14)

25+ Week Old Pheasants

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (15)


Adult pheasant hens make a great addition to the hunt.

You may want to consider adding hens to your release program to bring more realism and ‘drama’ to the hunt. Not only are the hens offered at a reduced rate to our rooster customers, but having hens flush with the roosters, or even alone, adds an exciting and natural touch to your hunting program. Our adult hens are in the same great condition as our roosters because they’re raised the same way.

These hens can help build up your wild pheasant population!

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (16)

Hens for Spring Release

If you want to supplement your wild bird population with hens that will breed, lay, and have the opportunity to hatch a brood the same year, you should consider getting our Spring Release Hens. These hens are hatched the previous Spring and they are WILD. They have been outside (not in the barns) since they were 8-weeks-old in conditions the same as wild birds, ensuring they will survive.

Laying Hens

Our laying hens are available starting in May (depending on when we’re at a point where we can begin letting them go). We no longer clip wings on our layers anymore.


Get Your Birds!

Get Your Birds!

Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (17)

13720 363rd Ave
Ipswich, SD 57451


Toll Free: 1-877-627-0669
Office: 605-426-6066
Greg: 605-380-3692
Loretta: 605-252-0326


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Our Pheasants | Gisi Pheasant Farms (2024)


Why are pheasants declining? ›

Agricultural regions across North America have recently experienced rapid declines in bird diversity and abundance attributed to three factors: agricultural intensification, increased pesticide use and greater susceptibility to predation from habitat change. The ring-necked pheasant is no exception.

What happened to all the pheasants? ›

People often ask me what happened to all the pheasants. As always, the destruction of habitat is a major factor: Most of the grass-filled ditches where pheasants once nested have been eliminated. Some farming practices have resulted in nests and young birds being crushed under heavy machinery.

Is there money in raising pheasants? ›

As a farmer you can sell their eggs and meat for passive income since they are nutritious. You too can raise large, healthy, profit-paying pheasants, if you will merely meet certain clearly defined pheasant requirements.

What state is best for hunting wild pheasants? ›

With rolling hills and endless prairies, South Dakota is home to the best pheasant hunting in the country. With abundant public land hunting opportunities, pheasant hunters have access to some of the greatest spots to chase birds and work their dogs.

What kills most pheasants? ›

About 40% were killed by predators during the six-month study period, almost all by foxes—and the pheasants were far more likely to die toward the edge of their range.

What states have the most pheasants? ›

Experience why South Dakota is home to the greatest pheasant hunting. The greatest number of birds in the nation and the best fields — with plenty of public access — make for the greatest traditions and memories you could ever find.

What is the largest pheasant farm? ›

MacFarlane Pheasant Farm is the largest pheasant farm in the country.

What are 3 pheasants called? ›

A group of pheasants is called a nest, nide (nye), or bouquet. Pheasants are hunted for sport and for meat. Because of their attractive plumage, some species of pheasant are kept as ornamental birds.

Do pheasants eat other pheasants? ›

Pheasants cannibalize each other because they aren't used to be penned up and captive. Pheasants can be the orneriest creatures – and in captivity, the strong tend to pick on the weak.

What is the lifespan of a pheasant? ›


The average lifespan of the pheasant in the wild is 3 years, whereas anything between 11 and 18 in captivity.

Are pheasants worth raising for meat? ›

A white pheasant is important in meat production because of the pigmentation of their feathers. Darker plumage has darker pigmentation and can leave behind darker spots on the meat.

Can farm raised pheasants survive in the wild? ›

In contrast to wild pheasants, pen-reared pheasants apparently have relatively low survival rates (Krauss et al. 1987, Leif 1994); perhaps as low as 4% (Buss 1946, Dorr 1952). Pen- reared pheasants also appear to have lower reproductive success than wild pheasants (Hill and Robertson 1988, Leif 1994).

What is the pheasant capital of the United States? ›

Redfield is a growing community in beautiful Northeast South Dakota. Our 100-year tradition of pheasant hunting earned the city the title "Pheasant Capital of the World®".

Where is the best pheasant hunting in the world? ›

No other region compares to the wild pheasant numbers found in this part of South Dakota. This is why pheasant hunters flock to South Dakota. Buffalo Butte Ranch is a 6,000 acre privately owned and operated pheasant farm which has been in our family for five generations.

Where is the best bird hunting town in pheasants forever? ›

1. Pierre, South Dakota. This Missouri River town puts you in the heart of pheasant country, but the upland fun doesn't stop there. In 2011 (the last year numbers were available) approximately 30 roosters per square mile were harvested in Hughes County.

Why are pheasants endangered? ›

Data collected showed that contributing factors to the decline include changes in agricultural practices, growth of forested habitats in historic wetland and grassland environments, climate change and predation from increasing raven populations.

Why do I keep missing pheasants? ›

Pheasant hunters often miss because they rush the shot. But the most common culprits, according to Grossman, are lack of concentration and overconfidence.

What happened to the pheasant population in Kansas? ›

Pheasant – Intense drought conditions throughout 2022 reduced pheasant populations and the available nesting cover for 2023. Precipitation across most of the primary range this summer greatly improved habitat conditions for chicks.

What are the threats to pheasants? ›

The main predator is the red fox. Other predators, like birds of prey, can also cause danger to the birds. In addition, raised hens have smaller home ranges (the area in which the animals live). Both sexes move shorter distances during spring dispersion and have weaker adaptation to the environment.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.