The Fairbury Blade from Fairbury, Illinois (2024)

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The Fairbury Bladei

Fairbury, Illinois

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X' riday ebruary 7 Build Your A i 4 airbury Ill Beck ILLINOIS PURE ALUMINUM WARE HardCoal t' $11 A lp I $1 15c to $450 2 'a: Model Grocery OT 4 I "'Kf 3 CM i airbury Shoe Store Kitchen Cabinet or The Housewife 4 Milligan with AIRBURY of his Simon 3 3 it 3 Sj 3 i 2 3 I I Koga Hens Old roosters Young roosters Geese Butter Eggs Turkeys Ducks Lard Lump coal irst nut coal Second nut coal Corn white Corn yellow Oats 3 ty Jtr Ti i ill at the home of her sister Mrs Geo 0 Thayer was able to rgturn to her home in orrest Sunday HOUSE OR SALE: Modern 7 room and one lot location good price very reasonable if taken Boon A Cooley ctf Why have grey hair when Vita will restore your hair to its natural color Miss Kruger will tell you about it at her beauty parlors over Bank of McDowell Mrs Chas Lough was operated upon by a local surgeon at the air bury Hospital last Saturday She is gaining rapidly and will soon be able to be taken home Mr and Mrs Myers and chil dren went to Crescent City Saturday to be present at the marriage of his cousin Miss Helena Bentley to Munsterman Sunday 'I Mr and Dan Stoller of CJrlA! tf Bloomington guest Mrs urniture and Undertaking ILLINOIS 3 Cenoln 0:1 lit It is Easier TO KEEP DRY Undei Wet Conditions 1 Than TOKEEP WET Under Dry Conditions! VU I Kfc We have just received a shipment Aluminum fromjhe Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware Co This shipment consists of all grades and varieties of Aluminum varying in price from THE BLADE A SUTTON Publisher and Prop ru wearing fork shoes made over dressy shoe flasks fail to see the line Uft CP Joe arney returned from Peoria Monday or nursing address Elliot Baker 944 Howard St Pontiac III 2 14 Miss Dollie Skeins of Pontiac at tended the John Baily funeral here riday Use Carnation cream for chapped hands Sold by Decker Son corner store Mr and Mrs Amos Metz went to Morton Saturday where they will vis it relatives a few days Mrs 0 McDowell went to Peoria Saturday to visit her sister Miss Goldanna Cook for a few days Auto Myers who has been visiting his brother Myers returned to his home in Crescent City Saturday Mrs Lizzie Gaber who has been visiting her daughter Mrs and Mr rank Heckman returned to her home in Clinton Saturday Gottlieb Yackley returned to his home yi Wolcott Ind after a few visit with Adolph Myers Sat urday Wm" Nussbaum of Muscatine la was a guest of his parents Mr and Mrs Samuel Nussbaum and old 7 pone 123 ew work shirts 25c at Ybur'cljoice of a lot of winter caps for 25c at Great white sale eb 8th to 15th Walton Co Chas Sterns was in Bloomington on business Thursday OR SALE Oliver typewriter choap Claudon Newspring suits received at Walton Co this week 'OR SALE My pony phaeton harness and ulton Good values in comfortable shoes at half price at store 2 28 $125 Royal Worcester corsets with 6 hose supporters special price dur ing white sale Walton Bros Co Puffs and transformations made from combings Bring your combings to Miss Kruger 1 red Redfern was in Pontiac Mon day evening where he played drums with eight piece orchestra I 4 'and 5 inch wide all silk taffeta ribbons only 10c yard Walton Co Mrs Emma Vogel of Pontiac was here first of the week visiting her brother Lon Hill and family Velvet shoe with medium wide toe medium heel short tipped vamp $3 Co Miss Marie Glennin was in Bloom ington a part of this week visiting her sister Mrs McCormick Miss May Bennett went Chicago Wednesday to bu new spring goods for the store See the corsets that we are selling for 98c during white 6 hose Walton Bros? Co August oreburger Jr of Cullom visited part of the week with his uncle Dwyer son of Rev and Mrs A Wirt Lowther has been sickl with I the I Mrs Wilcox was in Peona the first of the week visiting relatives and doing some shopping Dark brown buck shoes just the thing for spring wear Walton Co Jacob Joe and Sam Zehr were in Remington Ind this week visiting i 1 men uiuiner uaniei wno Has been very ill Waggoner left Thnrsdiv fnv St Louis Mo and win rfnpnU a tow days there visiting his Mrs A Rosenthal and family Churchill went to Chicago Thursday on business He will also I probably take in the auto show be lore returning home Auct Claudon sold a car load of cows and 15 head of horses and mules at Piper City last Saturday and re ports good demand and good prices There is going to be a cow and mule sale at the west end livery bam Saturday and you ought to there if you need a cow or mule Visit Walton whito 8th to 15th Special DricM nn tvhifnl goods laces embroideries bed spreads Concentrate your buying of dry goods clothing and house furnishings to store and avail yourself of a choice premium free tf Miss Lottie Blaisdell' will leave Monday for Peoria where she will en ter the Proctor Hospital and become a trained nurse Her friends in this city will wish her 'success Sujlivdn of Wichita Kan was here over Sunday visiting his father Jerimiah Sullivan onrl Tf U1U Aauuiy nt wit Monaay lor Chicago where he will visit before returning home AR Tnnmno An nnzl any oun wno were I here attending the funeral of Mrs Pratt left Monday for their home in Comstock Minn Mrs Thompson will not return home for some time Mr and Mrs Oscar Baehler of Momence were guests of their uncle Mr and Mrs Simon Baechler' first of the week They were on their wedding trip James left Mondnv fnr oaiii ern Tennessee where he will purchase a car load of Jersey milch cows and put them on the market here Robert Baehler nf who has been here for the past week i visiting friends and relatives return ed home Monday Dr Langstaff was in Chicago a few days this week taking in the automo bile show Mrs Langstaff is also in Chicago visiting Mr and Mrs Merit' Mr and Mrs John WnltnnTr and Mr and Mrs Jesse Stevens are Chicago this week taking in the automobile show Mr Stevens is look ing for a self starter to attach to hia Hupmobile John Downs 'who lives of town has sixteen hens setting which is going some when you consider that the thermometer is 'hanging around 1 below the zero mark most of the time f' CLOTH OVERSHOES AND ARCTICS We Are Prepared To Supply You With Just What You May Need to Keep Your eet DRY WARM AND COMORTABLE 4 George Hecknian whnsn iV A nl MM I out RPVPrnl I stand His samples have arrived and a full stock of mwlrwin few days The interior of the build ing has been repapered and decorated and everything is as heat ae you please Will Owens loaded his farming im plements pnd household effects Mon day and that evening in company withi jiis brother 1D re Brinkley Ark where they will farm Decker rce plantation Mrs Will Owens and Mrs Robert Owens will net leave for Brinkley for about two weeks Mrs Morris and thildren ar rived Thursday morning from Sar gent Neb Mr Morris is bn the road with his household effects and farm ing implements and they will make their home in this vicinity Mr and Mrs Morris were former residents of rais city but moved to Nebraska a uuiuvvr uL years ago All of these goods are guaranteed by the manufacturer for fifteen years Call and see this line With lumber rom This Yard Our is complete and we have different widths ad grades Tarred felt to liije your chicken house See us for storm i doors and sash window 1 glass putty etc watch This Space or The Most Convenient i aifbtttktfjtok isri Jatrfmrg' JUinntn Q2 i 8198' 275 339 John Hoker made a business trip to Peoria Thursday New spring spring goods' 'fare now arriving at store east block 2 28 grey wool shirtSrjWith high collar $100 at New shirts received Walton Co this All shoes to close out at half price at JtiecKiey 2 28 Claudon is among those at tending the automobile show in Chi cago this week i'1 If you are in need of a milch cow forget to attend the sale at the west end livery bam Saturday Geo A McCabe was ia visitor at the auto show in Chicago the first of the week Dernier who has been laid up with rheumatism for several days I is improving Brown vici kid shoes a soft easy as well as dressy shoe Wal ton Co gi Mrs Margaret Aird left Thursday for Chicago and will spend two weeks there visiting her sister X' Mrs John Starry and children are visiting ner sister Mrs Holland and family at Low Point this week OR A good room for a store old stand Inquire of Andrew Kilgus at ReMaKl Grocery Mr and Mrs A King of Peoria were here over Sunday thb guests of I relatives and old friends High grade 5c cigars smoke air bury Belle and Very Beet handled by all first class dealers ctfCall at liss beauty par lors and have a nice switch made from your combings Newest custom made English walk ing shoes witjy fat heels Both tan and WaftonkferosCo Call for Beckley's free premium catalogue which explains1 itself how to derive a benefit through the profit 1 sharing system ft vs tf lo'rimella Cream has no equal for1 (making a fine complexion At Miss over Bank of McDowell' Overstppked on black kersey I vvuw Luis years stvie at rediicert prices during ebruary at store east block 2 28 Laxacold a laxative tablet treat ment for colds if taken promptly will check a cold Sold by Decker Son comer drug store 1 The ice men who did not get their ice houses filled during the last cold spell have been finishing up the job uus'weeK i 4 The roads' which have been rather rough for some time past are getting wore down and the farmers are bring ing in their grain Miss Leta Schotts' who underwent ag operatiop at the airbury Hospital some time since is making a nice re covery Mrs ord Drum and little son of Saunemin were here over Sunday vis 1 mug rnr ana rars George A Heck man She left Monday for Gridley to visit relatives a few days' The infant child of Mr and Mrel Wilson who was taken sick some time since with the measles followed by pneumonia is still in a uiiuuui vunuition 1 i Mrs Huette of Wolcott Ind' was here the first of the week visiting herson John Huette and family She stopped off on her way home from Morton where she had been visiting! her brother who is ill I Misses Josephine and Olivette Mc Kee who (have been visiting their jjatcuus itrr ana dips a Ju McKo returned to their studies at Cham paign Monday i Mi na ends all stomach misery including indigestion or mondy back Tho best prescription for stomach trouble on earth Phil Wade drag 1 gist guarantees it 50 cents 'w I If you own i a little hard rubbed sm vv autjj IXX'UgglBtf I 4 will sell you a bottle of Hyomei for Miss Marjorie ulton left Monday OnlV nil ponto I tz vn xji catjiH i nn arvzi catarrh asthma etc It is guaranteed tend St school She was ac In this issue of the Blade will be Jiunier schoolmates found Governor message 'vdW wedepot to bid her good bye vuc AEiriHiHrn rp Mirvh i 4ki biua wuiv sewage Axctitumii UWlilLr TO nA A nun rtso rVVinli I I APT rxlt ww am A Ji it should be of interest to every cit weeks ago is again back at the old izen stand His in James Taylor was dnChicago the first of the week taking in the auto mobile show'Jim" has become some autorrftMlist'vwithin the past year and if anything new shows np in the way I of conveniences be will undoubtedly nuiis'gnpaM onng it home Lieut vTrwan Carrithers5 hrived here Tueaiijr and is a guest of his tttuuumuuuutu UUWLUUUltrt to 3 398 Lotty Ohio who are on their wer ding trip were guests of Mr altl Mrs Edward Huber over Sunday Mrs Mary Ellis of Ladd an here Monday and will make her 1 with her son Ellis and i Miss Hattie Wolfe a niece ofa Ellis is also making her home her uncle i Mr and Mrs Chas Lewis'10 have been here for some time turned to their home in Sac few Mich Tuesday They were cfad here by the death of Mrs Ivis mother Mrs John Parry ocj leurred last week I WANTED TO A goo si to eight room cottage in city ofair bury Give location convenient amd price per month or year in fist Ut ter Possession by eb 1st 15th 1913 Address Route ji Box ti If Mr Groundhog has anwhing to do with it we may as well yookl for six weeks more of cold weather Sun day 'the day when this animal is 'Sup posed to come forth and take a i look around was as full of sunshine as a day could be and whether he woke up in the morning or afternoon he' could see his shadow any old tiine Mr and Mrs Edward Moore re turned the latter part of last week from Princess Anna Md where they were called some two months ago by the serious illness of Mr Lovett Mr Moore states' that Mr Lovett while a little thin as yet is getting along nicely and gaining every day a fact his old airbury friends will be glad to hear Harry Reynolds proprietor of the airbury Steam Laundry has this week installed the new boiler which arrived some time ago It 'is 40 horsepower and one of the best made He will have all the connections made for the running of his machinery by the first of next week There is some talk of heatins the Central OTWral house from this boiler It could very easily be done and would undoubtedly cut down expenses The new boiler has the capacity to do' the work all right and as it is situated very close to the opqra house the connecting up wouia cuol very little' i That the Amenum Are mrmAvPAt I ters and that they conmence young was clearly demonstrated Monday ev ening at the basketball game A buhch of youngsters who knew the game would be well patronized and that standing roatniwould be at a premium gathered early paid their money ana "coppea a good sized share of the choice seats When the people got so thick that they were standing on each others toes these youngsters verv gallantly offered theolder peopletheir chairs at prices ranging from 25 50 cents and got it too STORCK LEWIS Wednesday evening at the Christ tian parsonage occurred the marriage of Miss 'Bessie Storck and Lewis both of whom reside near uiiaiujAui BLauo'i xlcv vnap man officiated using the ring cere mony' The bnde is1 a daughter of Mr and Mrs Daniel Storck and has a largenumber of friends The groom has been in the employ' of John Stalcup for the past two or three years and is an mergetic young man They left for? Chicago Wednesday evening on a snort wedding trip and upon their return wiU go to housekeeping on a farm which he has leased ten miles east pt Ibis city GOOO WORK CLOTHING one looking for frood fitting durable and comfortable work cloth ing willfind the True it line the best In Jvery particular look like eomlbon cheap looking stuff? thav farms to the4 tiw me prauiary kind usually farm the se lp Walton Co are the only irterenants that carry this line in LOCAL $675 to $7oo' 05v '25 to 27 i'si 22 a' 12 1 10 A 2 200 4 160 46 i 44 'rV '3014 With Our Large Stock of LIGHT AND flEAVY RUBBERS tne reach of all No In Our Bins 4 wewiH have a supply until the end of I the season 1 ivVr MOTHERS t3 forget our Clearance Sale of 4 4 'ft to kiiy'w' wiirre going on 4 values values now 350 Rallies ihow 4Q0 values JnowW 500 val ues now 600 Values now 'VT 750'values A 900 Values nowV COME IN TODAY! kCs wi 1 Welcomes' and "appreciates your Uusinesswhetherlarge or small and believes its" extensive re 1 sources I by nearlyfor ty of constant consid erate conservative accommbda to tions a splendid endorsem*nt of its most satisfactory' service to the people of airbury and viciri toy ityC" A Vi Your Patronage Solicited to' JESSE STEVENS tot I Lumber and Hard Coal Headquarters 3 WL to for Knoxville Ill where she will at companied by her father ul i mr Tir iwAuig BLUUfineV Waggonsei have a grossly and don't cost anv ift nnAoi ivMrtwx I 'it Walton Co are the 5 vicinity also baye an extra good line ortaoie may fitting and good fTTx to 3 1 toirnntoHuusc 4 'V 5 If i 5 I TO A to' I i ti i we Mow nave aariUa' £Tr ovar two yaars as Spring samples are in at Collect premium certificates at store east block tf The last chance to buy overcoats at low prices now at or lorimella Cold Cream and face powder call at Miss You can always find bargains in odd suits at Gaat reductions in overcoats at Walton pros Co Valentines at Decker comer drug store Mound City Horse Shoe paints weal longest look best Walton Bros rio ctf All and overcoats at a reduction during ebruary at Beck east block 2 28 Mrs Matheny Mbs Lucy ore man and Mrs MM Jacobs visited the Baby old in Normal Tuesday The profit sharing premium system is mutually beneficial Concentrate your purchases to store ctf New white buck arid capvas shoes all sizes and widths just received $3 and $350 Walton Co Cook of Cedar Ranids la arrived Tuesday for a few visit I friends here first of the Week with his parents Mr and Mrs Mrs Aj Duckett who has been 'Profit sharing premium certificates are given with all cash purchases from 25c up Call for them at Beck ley store east block Ruben King of spent Sunday here the grandparents Mr and Beachler Bargains in suits at A little out of style garments good values worth $10 to $1250 for $498 during ebruary 2 28 The most delightful hair dressing for men women or children is Par isian Sage Phil Wade? druggist guarantees it for dandruff falling hair and itching scalp 50 cents Cyril Burns who graduates this year from the University of Illi nois Law School was here visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Burns the first of the week rar ana rars uan owner oi una Unusual opportunity for peoplelley and Mr and Mrs Slatter OnnAA AA no aS a 2 wiLii i4vuuvu or more wining to deal in grain on the Chicago Board of Trade If interested address care The Blade if or shampooring hair dressing manicuring' facial massage scalp tYAAtm Antfl koito vnauLVUQ 11441 VULUlUg call on Miss Kruger for work along this line OR SALE A good 8 room house good location good furnace barni some fruit This house is in good repair and will be sold Jacob VonToble 1 31 Wirt! Nimo presented his wife with a nne Adam ochaaf Player Piano which he purchased of Gill of this place agent for Adam Schaaf pianos and player pianos Thos Tongate will sell at public sale on the Horine farm 14 miles west of Wino nn TXorlnacrl ovr I eb 19 1913 horses cattle hogs and Omro Wis lunn implements WANTED Partner with from $300000 to $500000 to invest in well' established grain business Unusual opportunity Big return on invest 1 Address care The Bladelt Dr Phelps of Monmouth spent Sunday here visiting at the home of his parents Mr and a Phelps Mr Phelps intends to visit the automobile show in Chicago this week Mrc A TT 1 i 1 aa '1141X1 wi Sy wiiu ims Deen i here since the funeral of her mother Mrs Baily returned to Indian apolis Ind Thursday Miss Erma Waggoner' accompanied herhome for V13XU John Parry who has been in very ioor health for some time past left Wednesday for Lacon where he will make his home with hii daughter Mrs and DroW Clifton Mrs Clifton who had been here since the death of her mother Mrs Parry ac companied him Judge oell has refused to free William Miller on a writ of habeas corpus It will be remembered that Miller killed John Sayler a bank er at crescent City in 1909 and is serving a tweive year sentence Rev Ira McCullough of Kanka kee has been appointed to preach at unc vxAveni lyitv the coming nine months Rev Mt 1 vuuougn naa tins charge before his removal to Kankakee two years ago The New York Nationals who de feated the Limits here Monday went to Gibson City Tuesday and were de feated by Gibson 17 to 21 Gibson City will in all nrohahilitw team here to the tournament which neia reoruary 20 22 The dance given by the'M A at the airbury opera house Tuesday ev ening was well attended nearly fifty couple being present orches tra furnished' AYpAllAn vmmt xu dancers and a most enjoyable time was had A number of people were present from out of town Remnant sale now on at ftototo 2 28 Miss Mabel Shook left Wednesday "''vnicago wnere she will enter the large millinery establish ment of Edison Kqith'and spend a week acquainting herself with the "Lyies srrom Chicago Miss Shook goes to Cedar Rapids Iowa where she has been engaged as head trimmer in a' large millinery store! Her father accompanied her as fa as Wito Waggonseiier who lives northwest this ciy( does not be lieve in beipgibehind the time He has uistalledtoan individual electric lighting outfit I toto: 7 pattern have his house electric lighted from top to bottom and 'will also have electric lights In his barn and i vmet vurnniinfflffg Ur SKUiWW MA vce nnest imDYGVAd 9 TV1O iM A miq MliUVc vne only place i to live He doesn care whether the Central UtiL ities Company charges 6 cents or 25 cents per his lights I bum just the same oster A thil hpsare putting fa the plant for him to 41 Ill A Hlr to I 'fv Zv iwy 4 45 I i to" 'to' 7 to ''1 2 to A'i 2 IB" If to iff xf 0 ff "4 4 to I 5 '1 5 77 fl 1 1 1 fl 9 yTWBMES vwy llvUililg I 4 1 I' yttx txt ttitt i it it tt I ti: it in tit tt it text I A a a a i'Utl I 1 I' K'M I I 11 I 'to I I 1 ff" kk vli1 Iw WWv 9 a 3' 'a 'Ug' A 11 ft Vto i to I I I 1 Ad Hr ifr I ft? to a A a reasonable coat vlr to1 ta hce i Will 'to to 1 be atatfcned border Mn Car to Jto yjto to to toto! rt 'to to to' SfcSfc I 1 A fMBIll tofl a A I 'B fl IB Bv B' flto'to a 2' to i x' to i Kto to A to I 111 1 I 1 1 if a Al.

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The Fairbury Blade from Fairbury, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Views: 6196

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.