Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (2024)

Table of Contents
Top 10 Conservative Websites 1. Revolver News 2. FOX NewsOne America News Network 3. Human Events 4. NewsMax 5. Breitbart News Network 6. Western Journal 7. THE DRUDGE REPORT THE BONGINO REPORT 8. Daily Caller 9. Zero Hedge 10. Daily Wire 11. InfoWars 12. Washington Examiner Conservative News Sites 13. The Gateway Pundit And The Best of the Rest . . . 14. 15. Washington Times 16. The Blaze 17. BizPac Review 18. National Review 19. WorldNetDaily (WND) 20. Townhall 21. PJ Media 22. Judicial Watch 23. American Thinker 24. The Federalist 25. Hot Air 26. Free Republic 27. Twitchy 28. The Conservative Treehouse 29. Heritage 30. Red State 31. Washington Free Beacon 32. Newsbusters 33. Rush Limbaugh (Rest In Peace) 34. Chicks On The Right 35. The American Conservative 36. Powerline Blog 37. CNS News 38. Lew Rockwell 39. Daily Signal 40. Louder With Crowder 41. The Right Scoop 42. Big League Politics 43. Weekly Standard 44. True Pundit 45. Lucianne 46. Weasel Zippers 50. The Political Insider 51. The Federalist Papers 52. What Really Happened 53. 54. Legal Insurrection 55. Trump Train News 56. Independent Journal Review (IJR) 57. Prison Planet 58. The Horn News 59. The Liberty Daily 60. The Common Sense Show 61. First Things 62. Bill O’Reilly 63. Red State Watcher 64. Information Liberation 65. 100 Percent Fed Up 66. Conservative Review 67. The Rebel 68. Canada Free Press 69. Ann Coulter 70. MRCTV 71. Glenn Beck 72. Bipartisan Report 73. Dick Morris 74. Conservative Daily Post 75. Steyn Online 76. 77. Clash Daily 78. The Daily Sheeple 79. Patriot Post 80. Mark Levin Show 81. The Blacksphere 82. Human Events 83. Mad World News 84. Linkiest 85. GOP USA 86. Blazing Cat Fur 87. MRC 88. Freedom Works 89. Michelle Malkin 90. Dennis Michael Lynch 91. Moon Battery 92. DownTrend 93. Daily Headlines 94. Three Percent Nation 95. Accuracy In Media (AIM) 96. The Resurgent 97. We Are Change 98. Joe Miller 99. 100. Renew America 101. Daniel Pipes 102. The Other McCain 103. Truth Revolt 104. Outside The Beltway 105. Da Tech Guy Blog 106. Conservative HQ 107. Whitehouse Dossier 108. Conservative Read 109. Conservative Fighters 110. Red Alert Politics 111. Debbie Schlussel 112. America’s Freedom Fighters 113. Disinfo 114. Republic Buzz 115. The Matt Walsh Blog 116. Revolution Radio 117. Danger And Play Updated: 118. True Viral News 119. Patriot Journal 120. I Have The Truth 121. US Defense Watch 122. Conservative 101 123. 63 Red 124. Supreme Patriot 125. Headline Politics 126. Regated 127. Washington Free Beacon 128. New York Post Know A Conservative Site Worthy Of Being Added? FAQs

Thanks to the freedom of the Internet, never before have right-wing political thinkers had so many choices in finding the best conservative news sites.

To make things easier for you, we’ve gathered the largest ordered list of best conservative websites online, sorted them by popularity, and added some of our commentaries. There are so many, it’s hard to know which are the top conservative websites worth your time, and which aren’t.

The sites are sorted by Alexa Rank, a highly reputable service that measures a site’s popularity and traffic. The lower the Alexa Ranking, the more popular the site. Want some good listens to go with your reading? Check out our list of the 20 best conservative podcasts.

Top 10 Conservative Websites

1. Revolver News

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (1)

Revolver News launched in 2020 with the goal of providing an alternative new source perspective to mainstream media. The site, founded by Darren Beattie, aggregates and curates news with a conservative lens. Unlike traditional outlets, Revolver News is unapologetic about its right-leaning mission. The team behind the platform believes mainstream journalism has lost touch with a large portion of America.

Through selective sourcing and commentary, Revolver News caters to conservative readers and Trump supporters who perceive liberal bias in big media. While still building its audience, the site has cultivated a dedicated following seeking a conservative viewpoint.

Rather than simply report the news, Revolver News aims to shape narratives for its target demographic. The founders ambitiously believe the site can become the next Drudge Report and counterbalance mainstream outlets like CNN and the New York Times. Time will tell if Revolver News can continue rapidly expanding its influence. But its rise illustrates the hunger for media catering to conservatives dissatisfied with established journalism.

Their no-frills conservative news website is a must-bookmark.

2. FOX NewsOne America News Network

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (2)

FOX News needs no explanation. It made its debut in 1996 and has been driving liberals bonkers ever since, dominating the ratings along the way. FOX News is not only the most popular Republican news source online, it’s one of the largest websites, period.

One America News Network has had explosive growth in 2020, and it’s easy to see why. They have a world-class team.

3. Human Events

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (3)

Human Events stands as a pillar of principled conservative journalism dating back to its founding in 1944. While many legacy outlets have bent to liberal pressures, Human Events continues shining the light of truth through ideologically driven reporting.

Reborn as a digital publication in 2013, Human Events provides a haven for conservative thought leaders providing top conservative news and commentary. Writers like Jack Posobiec, Charlie Kirk, and Raheem Kassam offer the sharp political insights you simply can’t find on cable news. The team covers stories like election integrity and Big Tech censorship that liberal outlets ignore, as well as international news.

With experienced journalists and activists on staff, Human Events goes beyond stale establishment commentary. They deliver hard-hitting analysis of current affairs through an unapologetically conservative lens. The site fearlessly advances narratives counter to the Democrat-aligned corporate media.

In an era of left-wing bias, Human Events stands firm as a beacon of politically conservative truth and principled conservatism. The platform equips patriotic Americans with information crucial to defending freedom against liberal overreach. Human Events continues a rich legacy as the modern standard-bearer for righteous right-wing journalism.

4. NewsMax

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Founded in 1998 by Christopher Ruddy, Newsmax has boldly established itself as the leading alternative to the stale Republican establishment commentary on networks like Fox News. Ruddy smartly realized the need for a news outlet giving voice to righteous conservative opinions ignored by the mainstream media.

Newsmax provides a platform for conservative commentary and conservative perspective you simply won’t find on other cable networks, with hosts chosen for their sharp political insights, not telegenic looks. The network pulls no punches in covering stories the mainstream media sheepishly avoid.

This fiercely independent network speaks truth to power and keeps viewers engaged with passionate, uncensored debate. Newsmax continues gaining loyal fans who feel disconnected from the GOP old guard and D.C. elites. It’s the future of right-wing media rooted in fearlessly defending traditional conservative values.

5. Breitbart News Network

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Founded by the late, great Andrew Breitbart in 2007, Breitbart is one of the world’s most controversial right-wing news websites. Critics often smear the site as all sorts of -ists (racist, sexist . . . you know the routine by now), but honest people know better. Breitbart saw a meteoric rise leading up to the 2016 Presidential Election and continues to be a dominating force in right-wing news.

6. Western Journal

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (6)

Founded in 2009, and independently owned by the Brown family, Western Journal (and its sister Conservative Tribune) has become a powerhouse in conservative circles. The site prides itself on its honest content, grounded in traditional Christian ethics. Works for me.


Bongino Report replaces Drudge Report and its liberal drudgery 🚨👇🏻

— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) August 12, 2020

Started in 1995, Matt Drudge’s masterpiece rose to prominence in the wake of Bill Clinton’s Monica Lewinsky scandal (Wikipedia claims they broke the story). The DRUDGE REPORT acts as a news aggregator, collecting and posting the biggest right-wing stories of the day on their homepage. If you want a broad overview of what’s happening in politics, DRUDGE REPORT is what you’re looking for.

Started in 2020, Dan Bongino’s website quickly replaced the increasingly hostile Drudge Report as the go-to source for curated right-wing news. Dan’s a great guy, so congratulations on his huge success and becoming a conservative superstar.

8. Daily Caller

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (7)

The Daily Caller is the work of conservative megastar (and smartest man alive) Tucker Carlson. It’s been around since 2010 and has continued to rise in prominence. The site is ad-heavy, true, but the content is worth it, as evidenced by its tens of millions of monthly visitors.

9. Zero Hedge

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (8)

As you probably guessed from the name, Zero Hedge started as an investment-focused blog, a subject it still deals in. Somewhere along the way, they drifted into political news and commentary, where they’ve found brilliant success. If you’re into investing, free markets, and have a conservative political leaning, Zero Hedge is a must-bookmark website.

10. Daily Wire

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (9)

Daily Wire has become the cream of the right-wing crop for editorials. Led by Ben Shapiro (and let’s not forget Ben Shapiro’s wife, who is a doctor), the high quality of the site’s content and popularity of its staff has led to it becoming a phenomenon. In under four years, it’s become one of the most-popular, most-respect pro-Republican sites in the world. It’s only a matter of time before Daily Wire reaches the top five.

If you’re a fan of Ben Shapiro and the Daily Wire, check out The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made The West Great (affiliate link).

11. InfoWars

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (10)

It doesn’t get much more controversial than InfoWars, founded and led by the legendary Alex Jones. The site’s content is on the more out there end of the spectrum, sure, but sometimes that’s a good thing. Critics won’t admit it, but a not-insignificant number of InfoWars’ “crazy conspiracies” have proven true. Sadly, social media networks conspired to synchronously ban Jones and InfoWars in the summer of 2018. Despite this, the site continues to rack up millions of monthly visitors.

12. Washington Examiner

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (11)

Founded in 2005, the Washington Examiner started as a daily newspaper. It didn’t take long before they realized print media was going the way of the dinosaur, at which point they focused on online media. The switch worked out brilliantly, as the Examiner has become one of the biggest names in the right-wing blogosphere.

Alexa Rank: 5,670

Conservative News Sites

13. The Gateway Pundit

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (12)

Another site which critics would call “controversial,” The Gateway Pundit churns out a huge number of articles. Founded in 2004 by dapper Jim Hoft (Gateway is a reference to Hoft’s hometown of St. Louis), The Gateway Pundit has become a staple of Republican news sites. Don’t believe the fake news label; it’s a typical smear job.

And The Best of the Rest . . .


Wayne Dupree’s an Air Force vet and host of the popular podcast The Wayne Dupree Show. You’ve probably seen him on Fox News, or read his Tweets. This is his website. Check it out.

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (13)

15. Washington Times

The Washington Times website branched off from the Washington Times newspaper, which has been in circulation since 1982. We’ll forgive you if you get it and the Washington Examiner confused. We do, too.

16. The Blaze

Glenn Beck’s The Blaze used to be one of the huge right-wing sites, but it’s taken a sizable popularity hit, thanks in part to its anti-Trump position, and now sits outside of the top 10. They recently merged with Mark Levin‘s CRTV, forming Blaze Media, hoping to regain lost glory.

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (14)

17. BizPac Review

Founded in 2009, I’ve always considered BizPac Review to be like The Gateway Pundit’s quiet little brother. I don’t know why I do that.

18. National Review

The digital branch of the legendary William F. Buckley’s same-named magazine, many conservatives have soured on the National Review for their perceived soft conservatism and anti-Trump hysterics.

19. WorldNetDaily (WND)

Joseph Farah founded WND in 1997. Their coverage extends beyond politics and into finances and religion. Wikipedia and other leftist outlets describe the site as — GASP! — “far-right” and “fringe” — the horror!

20. Townhall

Townhall has a vast assortmentof Thomas Sowell articles. What more needs to be said?

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (15)

21. PJ Media

22. Judicial Watch

Tom Fitton’s hard-hitting investigative journalism. Judicial Watch’s coverage of the shadiness of the Russiagate conspiracy is the best in the business. If you want deeper reporting, give Judicial Watch a go.

23. American Thinker

24. The Federalist

Founded by Ben Domenech and Sean Davis in 2013, The Federalist has quickly risen to become one of the most popular right-wing sites in the world. They have talented writers who publish great content and are a worthy addition to your daily visits.

25. Hot Air

26. Free Republic

27. Twitchy

Created by Michelle Malkin in 2012, Twitchy has more of a fun, youthful feel than most of the sites on this list. I would call it the right-wing version of BuzzFeed, but I like them too much for that. How about the right-wing version of BuzzFeed that’s not completely idiotic?

28. The Conservative Treehouse

The Conservative Treehouse publishes original editorials, with a highly engaged audience in the comments section. If you like not only reading about politics but discussing them, The Conservative Treehouse might be for you.

29. Heritage

30. Red State

Red State’s another conservative site that tried to go the never-Trump route and ended up paying for it. They used to be a big shot, but those days ended once their traffic started plummeting over the past three years.

31. Washington Free Beacon

This is another conservative site with Washington in its name. I’m not sure what they offer to stand out from the pact.

32. Newsbusters

Newsbusters is Brent Bozell’s valiant (and successful) attempt at exposing liberal bias in the media and television. I’ve got to warn you, some of the blatant hypocrisy this site exposes might get you a little agitated.

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33. Rush Limbaugh (Rest In Peace)

The website of the godfather of right-wing talk radio, Mr. Rush Limbaugh (I bet you already knew that). The site’s neatly organized, with show archives dating back years.

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (17)

34. Chicks On The Right

An impressive collection of right-wing women. Smart ideas, from smart women, with almost no pink hair or whining about the patriarchy or toxic masculinity. Strange, huh?

35. The American Conservative

36. Powerline Blog

37. CNS News

38. Lew Rockwell

No list of conservative websites is complete without Lew Rockwell. He’s a longtime staple of conservative blogs.

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (18)

39. Daily Signal

The third wheel in the trio of major Daily conservative sites (Daily Caller and Daily Wire are the other two), Daily Signal is a distant third, but still puts out quality content on a . . . eerm . . . daily basis.

40. Louder With Crowder

Steven Crowder is one of the kings of conservative YouTube, and while his website is secondary to his YouTube channel, it’s still popular enough to pull in a couple of million visitors a month.

41. The Right Scoop

42. Big League Politics

A hot-shot newcomer to the list. Big League Politics has some popular right-wing journalists working for them, and aren’t afraid to post controversy. Expect them to continue aggressively climbing this list in the months to come.

43. Weekly Standard

Bill Kristol’s increasingly outdated Weekly Standard recently ceased publication as a magazine, but their website remains. Will their website have more staying power? (Spoiler: No)

44. True Pundit

True Pundit is, to my knowledge, a one-man show, which makes its success remarkable. BuzzFeed News tried to smear the site, but BuzzFeed is garbage, so who cares what they think.

45. Lucianne

46. Weasel Zippers

47. McClatchy DC

48. Frontpage Mag

49. Hannity

FOX News superstar Sean Hannity’s personal website.

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (19)

50. The Political Insider

51. The Federalist Papers

52. What Really Happened


54. Legal Insurrection

55. Trump Train News

56. Independent Journal Review (IJR)

57. Prison Planet

InfoWars’ little brother.

58. The Horn News

59. The Liberty Daily

60. The Common Sense Show

61. First Things

62. Bill O’Reilly

Want to know exactly who is funding the open borders movement. Please check out the Message of the Day on–

— Bill O'Reilly (@BillOReilly) February 8, 2019

The website of former FOX News superstar Bill O’Reilly. Bill always has something interesting worth checking out.

63. Red State Watcher

64. Information Liberation

65. 100 Percent Fed Up

66. Conservative Review

67. The Rebel

The Rebel is a highly controversial outlet based out of Canada. They’ve had associations with a who’s who of online right-wing stars, like Gavin McInnes, Laura Loomer, Lauren Southern, Tommy Robinson, and Jack Posobiec, among others. Naturally, the comically biased leftist media have smeared them, but they continue on, with no fudges given.

68. Canada Free Press

Hey! They have right wing websites north of the border, too!

69. Ann Coulter

How bad are things going when publicly supporting murdering babies outside the womb is the second-worst thing you've done this year?

— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) February 9, 2019

The personal website of the hilarious and brilliant Ann Coulter. She’s offensive. She’s inflammatory. She’s unapologetic. Most importantly, she’s usually right.


71. Glenn Beck

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (20)

72. Bipartisan Report

73. Dick Morris

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (21)

74. Conservative Daily Post

75. Steyn Online

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (22)


The website of the lightning rod of controversy Milo Yiannopoulos. it’s not for everyone, but they’ve got some interesting takes and a stylishly designed website.

77. Clash Daily

78. The Daily Sheeple

79. Patriot Post

80. Mark Levin Show

The Great One. A brilliant man who naturally runs one of the top conservative opinion sites on the web.

81. The Blacksphere

Former FOX News contributor Kevin Jackson operates the Blacksphere. I say former because the P.C. police got a hold of him last year after he made comments on Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers. Neat fact: Kevin was the first person to kindly and generously reach out to me when I was trying to start Right Smarts, so he’ll always be good in my books. Support him by checking out his website, and following him on Twitter.

82. Human Events

83. Mad World News

84. Linkiest


86. Blazing Cat Fur

87. MRC

88. Freedom Works

89. Michelle Malkin

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (23)

90. Dennis Michael Lynch

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (24)

91. Moon Battery

92. DownTrend

93. Daily Headlines

94. Three Percent Nation

95. Accuracy In Media (AIM)

96. The Resurgent

97. We Are Change

98. Joe Miller


100. Renew America

101. Daniel Pipes

102. The Other McCain

103. Truth Revolt

104. Outside The Beltway

105. Da Tech Guy Blog

106. Conservative HQ

107. Whitehouse Dossier

108. Conservative Read

109. Conservative Fighters

110. Red Alert Politics

111. Debbie Schlussel

112. America’s Freedom Fighters

113. Disinfo

114. Republic Buzz

115. The Matt Walsh Blog

Democrats: We don't have enough money to build a wall on the southern border!

Also Democrats: Let's remodel every building in the country, build a railway to Hawaii, and give everyone free education, free housing, and free health care!

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 8, 2019

Matt Walsh has written for most of the top conservative sites, and this is his home base. He’s one of the most straightforward, logical thinkers around, and liberals hate him for it — which means you’ll love him, just like me.

116. Revolution Radio

117. Danger And Play Updated:

Mike Cernovich’s website. It covers mindset as much as anything, but most consider Mike on the right, and he’s always been good to me, so he’s getting a spot on the list. His new film Hoaxed is a must-watch, by the way.

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (25)

118. True Viral News

119. Patriot Journal

120. I Have The Truth

121. US Defense Watch

122. Conservative 101

123. 63 Red

124. Supreme Patriot

125. Headline Politics

126. Regated

127. Washington Free Beacon

128. New York Post

Know A Conservative Site Worthy Of Being Added?

We’ve searched high and low to find the top 100 conservative websites (and 31 more just for the heck of it), but if you think we’ve missed one, let us know in the comments section.

Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2024 - Right Smarts (2024)


Which news websites are conservative? ›

  • The Daily Caller.
  • The Daily Signal.
  • The Daily Wire.
  • Discover the Networks.
  • The Dispatch.
  • Drudge Report.

What publications are right wing? ›

  • The American (magazine)
  • American Affairs.
  • The American Catholic Quarterly Review.
  • The American Conservative.
  • The American Enterprise.
  • The American Interest.
  • The American Mercury.
  • American Outlook.

What are the conservative newspapers? ›

  • The Wall Street Journal‎ (1 C, 26 P)
  • American conservative websites‎ (3 C, 60 P)
  • The Weekly Standard people‎ (32 P)
  • Winning Team Publishing‎ (1 C, 1 P)
  • WorldNetDaily people‎ (50 P)

What are the right wing conservative ideas? ›

American conservatives tend to support Christian values, moral absolutism, traditional family values, and American exceptionalism, while opposing abortion, euthanasia, and LGBT rights. They tend to favor economic liberalism, and are generally pro-business and pro-capitalism, while opposing communism and labor unions.

What is the right leaning media? ›

New right-leaning media outlets, including Breitbart News, NewsMax, and WorldNetDaily have instead a core mission to promote a conservative or right-wing agenda, often (unlike The Wall Street Journal and other mainstream conservative journals) supporting a hierarchy based on race, religion, nationality, or gender.

Which newspapers are left-wing? ›

Current publications
  • Daily Mirror – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported the Labour Party since the 1945 general election.
  • The Guardian – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported centre-left politics, either reflected by the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats.

Is financial times left or right wing? ›

Financial Times
Cover of the 22 February 2021 issue
Political alignmentLiberalism Conservative liberalism Centre to centre-right
HeadquartersBracken House London, England
Circulation109,181 (as of March 2024)
11 more rows

Is the Wall Street Journal left or right? ›

WSJ publishes international editions in various regions around the world, including Europe and Asia. The editorial pages of the Journal are typically center-right in their positions, while the newspaper itself maintains commitment to journalistic standards in its reporting. The newspaper has won 39 Pulitzer Prizes.

What politician is right wing? ›

Politicians, office holders, and jurists
Senator Mitch McConnell1942–
Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich1943–
President Donald Trump1946–
President George W. Bush1946–
35 more rows

What newspaper supports conservatives? ›

The Daily Telegraph supported Liz Truss in the July–September 2022 Conservative Party leadership election.

What are the new right conservative views on society? ›

It is identified by positive views regarding democracy, personal freedom, free-market capitalism, reduction of bureaucracy, privatization of state-run companies, tax cuts, parliamentary, political reform. It rejects "cultural Marxism", modern socialism and populism.

What is the difference between the right wing and the left wing? ›

The left seeks social justice through redistributive social and economic policies, while the right defends private property and capitalism.

What are five beliefs of conservatives? ›

7 Core Principles of Conservatism
  • Individual Freedom. The birth of our great nation was inspired by the bold declaration that our individual,God-given liberties should be preserved against government intrusion. ...
  • Limited Government. ...
  • The Rule of Law. ...
  • Peace through Strength. ...
  • Fiscal Responsibility. ...
  • Free Markets. ...
  • Human Dignity.

What is right-wing in layman's terms? ›

Right-wing politics is the range of political ideologies that view certain social orders and hierarchies as inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, typically supporting this position based on natural law, economics, authority, property, religion, biology, or tradition.

What do Democrats believe in? ›

The modern Democratic Party emphasizes social equality and equal opportunity. Democrats support voting rights and minority rights, including LGBT rights.

What is the conservative channel on TV? ›

Newsmax TV holds a conservative political stance, broadcasting many programs hosted by conservative media personalities. CEO Christopher Ruddy has compared the network to Fox News.

What is the new conservative media platform? ›

Parler launched in August 2018, billing itself as an unbiased and free speech alternative to larger social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook.

Is the Washington Post conservative? ›

The Post editorial board endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012; Hillary Clinton in 2016; and Joe Biden for 2020. While the newspaper predominantly endorses Democrats in congressional, state, and local elections, it has occasionally endorsed Republican candidates.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.