The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1941 31 THE Shute Takes Course Early Masters Lead in Most of National Field Open as UNION'S Crack Longmeadow Combinations Tourney Entered Next for Week Annual Shute, Only Player to Break Par, Takes Lead In U.S. Open Tournament With 69, as Texas Course Proves Tough, Sends Scores Flying Harrison and Ghezzi Have 70's; Little, McSpaden, Metz, Ryan and Kunes Trail With 71's; Nelson, Smith, Wood, Runyan in 73 Bracket; Hogan, Sarazen Card 74's FORT WORTH, June 5 (AP)-They paired Denny Shute with Jimmy Demaret for the first round of the 45th U.S. Open Golf Championship today, and it appeared to he foreordained that sober. sedate Denny would play his 18 holes in the shadow CARt by the famboyant Texan with the grin as broad as his native state. But it didn't work out that way.

When the opening day's firing was finished over the pinch-bottle fairways of the 7005-yard Colonial Club course, Shute was leading the field of 163 starters with a 69, the only sub-par score that was posted. Demaret, on the other hand, never cot going and wound tip with a five-over-par 76 that left him more than 30 places back of the leader. Noble Golf It was noble goll that Denny shot early in the morning before most of the 1300 customers gOt out to course. On only two holes did he been off line, third and fifth, ani un each went over par. The rent of the way he was smacking woods And Irons in the fashion that won for him to A P.

G. A. championahips. He d'ed the notably that the longest of his three birdie putts was only 12 feet. Yet Shute wasn't the day's main c'ory, even though only A.

Spar And hall 440 it tonk a bone-grafting operation on his broken wrist to A able him to carry on with ment golt. The day'a biz news A A 6 the 1.4 this Colonial Club course manhand'ol the best of the boys, and particularly the job that WAR done oft thom by the of its back nine. the more than 40 mAn ho shot 75 or hetter, there A pre only mi: 0 ho managed to tie or improve on the last nine's of 37, and tour those were allon2 the lowest round scorers. Shute' incoming 33 WAS A5 2001 85 any shot today. E.

J. (butch) Har. rison pl Tittle Honk and Chicago and Vie Ghazal of Deal, N. who for scoond place at even par TO, each had 35. Jug MeNpaden, in a five.

may tie for fourth place at 71, also had a 33 on his inward trip. Those in the 71 brachet with him wAle Lawson Little, the defending pion; Dick Metz, who played with him; Gene of Philadelphia, A former Canadian Open champion, and Jack Ryan of Loulsville. ticularly well qualified witnesses Little, Kunes and Ryan more parthe touzhness of the hack nine. lach came to the turn in 33 with A Rood chance to make up even more ground on Shute. But each ran afoul of this troubla or that and wound up witn 88'8 for The fact "that Shute, hezzi and Harrison were able to take thr lead Hora out predictions it would take straight control hitter lather than pure power hitter to navigate Co1onial with fairway.

which in spots close doun to A width of only 90 fept. Shute hutween his two over par holes sandwiched A douro At the 221- yard fourth hole where he slapped his tee hot only 31x feet from the flax. He had all pars from the sixth through the 13th, birdied the 11th by knocking In a 12-footer and topped off his round by lofting 11p an eightIron Acten fret from the hole for a At the 18th. Harrison's round was remarkable in view of the atart he made. Pushed drives Cost strokes 011 the first and third holes.

He hauled himself back to par with birdie three's at a sixth where he dropped putt from 12 feet 114 the ninth whor* hA had to play his xecond out of 1 trap but then ran down ct 30-footer. There also mere 11 birdics and two his back nine, both of the former on fine iron shots. If Harrison shone through his come. back, Ghezzl the lad with the payoff finish. He birdied two of the Jast three holes, them touzh and the move spectacular of the tun 18th where he chipped in from feat away on the slope back of the green.

Ransom Collapses The day's sadiest collapse was that of Ilenry Ransom, good looking young pro from Ft. Worth's GIon Garden Club where Byron Nelson and Ben Ilogan once were caddies. Ransom tied the open record for nine holes with A. 31, four under par, skyrocketed to bogeys in the first seven holes of the back mine to come home in 11 for it 72. At that fIgure he was tic! with Clayton leafner, the North Carolina 220-pounder, and five lesser known candidates: Amateur Harry Todd of Dallas, former Western Champion: Bunny Torpey of Dodson.

Ted Kroll of New Hartford. N. Bill Kaiser of Louisville, who was out In 32 and back in 10, and Johnny Morris ot Tuscaloosa, Ala. Nelson, Paul Runsan, Horton Smith, L.loyd Mangrum, Crait Wood and Chick Harbert were among the 13. Demaret's First Drive Hits Boy FORT WORTH.

June 5 (AP) -At least 500 spectators were jammed around the Arst tpo Jimmy Demaret drove off for him Arst round in the NAtional Open golf tourney today And at the second the Texas. horn pro's drive struck It l4-yearsold James Fry. Fry was standing 130 yards down the fairway and WAS hit 011 the left side. He' wAS sent to the clubhouse for Arst aid. Demaret went over par on the hole, needing three to get home.

Harold W'. Pierce, the U. S. G. A.

president, said the early turnout WAS the most startling thing he'd seen on a golf course outside of Scotland. Boston Boxer Wants Chance at Welter Crown Tordiglione, Arena Headliner, Believes He Should Be in Picture HOLYOKE. June 5 Glowing ACCounts of Bill Tordigtione's boxing ability on the West Coast 2. fow months AgO may result his to that area soon hut ho has 2. late with Reso Dell, Scranton, welterweight, an eight-rounder on the Valley Arena's double feature Monday night.

ho lous 10 Tordizlione, get A who chance returned at Mike East Kan- Anx. lan, New Enzland welterweight champion, after Mike had scored a nontitle victory over Welterweight (hampion Fritsie Zivie, wag hopeful of meeting his fellow -townsman this summer. Thus far the negotiations have heon stalled with Kaplan trying to quit the pressure on Zirie in a title defense. Whon Zivic meets Al (Rummy) TOvis. New York's soldier late this month in 8 11 outdoor title defence, there may he lote of ing for the champion (new or oll) after that With Boston still hopeful of 1.

ing A welterweight championship in an outdoor show this summer, Kap. Jan is keen for such A meeting. IA. maining close by is who trying to wedge his wily into the picture. On the other hand, Dell, who sports the Pennsylvania 117 pound Championshp, is trying to force a meetins with Zivic who resides in Pitts.

bursh. .5 Stafford Sports STAFFORD SPRINGS. June 6. Coach Skat Calchera will have his strongpat team ready for action Sunday with Ray to ho back in the lineup, This lad really adds spark to he nine. a clever hasprunner and heavy hitter, also the best Aelder in tha circuit.

Last ReASON Scussel finished the YeAr writh After A summer of base. halt in the Northern League with the Holy Prose and Rogton College players and gained valuable experien. The draft has EXACTA 8Ame toll from Apart circles with inany more t' 1 July. Already HAI (kid) C'onnors, Frank nected to En in the call this month and Prochacka. Herb Curnan, Edward Alfred Sfreddo and LAD Iadal: arc in drabs.

The Stafford Junior S. honl has in two games plasr4 to date, losing 11a Arat LAMIA la tlia Rockville Maple Street School, but winning the seCond Stafford High School will bring A FIl1 cossful APR-On 10 close Friday afternoon on Olympic Field when the crack Windsor 4 High nine wilt he met in A Northern C'onnecticut CAMA. Stafford borate of A repord of five wins and two defeats and as one ol the RAtbacks (AMA At the hands of the Windoutfit the hottie club CAger. to show the leA leaders that the fist WAS 11 Harry Palmer. Spike Campo.

Jimmy Piecin or Mushy Rollanto will patrol the Melt with 11 8 A Worthington. Czapla, Newton And Phillips in reserve. Coach Floyd Brackley in planning 1 send the fireball artist, hark At thin clan And if stove right the L.ark will hare A tough Afternoon. Buster Curnan ill bA back of the plate, while Ned l'anciera. Billy Hanley, 'hin Tadalt and Bobby Pox will remain 1 the infield nosta.

This quartet hAR been dependable all year and forms A very strong inner cordon. The Stafford C. A. C. will entertain the Three Rivera team 111 Quabnag Valley game Sunday afternoon On Olympic Field.

In Its last homie start the club last a weird came to the St. Joseph'a of Thorndtke when the moored nine runs in the ninth inning edge Stafford 13-11. Zarewich. tho HAg been going RO well thin eased up too much In this frame and hefore 11n could. settle down the Thornike nine had pushed enough A 10 tie the count: Marco greeted with 2 couple of hite and the CAINA WAR over.

shooters and happy to be there, HoGone and Ed Dudley at Johnny Bulla and Toney l'enna with Demaret at 70; Sam Ancad, Bally Burke and Johnny Goodman at TH, and Henry Pirand at 77. Henry turned the remarkable trick of back in 31 after the thiunh he burned yesterday had cost him it 13 14) the turn, Most startling sleighride was that taken by Ralph Guldahl, who In the past few days had been gaining more and more popular and betting favor. The two time -former champion had 70 that put him ahead of only three of the 12 former winners who played. Little WaS low At 71, followed by Nelson and Sam Parks, 13; Sarazon. 74; Burke and Goodman, Olin Outra and Tommy Armour, Johnny Farrell, 81; Tony Mancro, 82.

and ('hick Evans, 81. Bonny l'ashi, Dalton, pro, FILL, YOUR GLASS WITH 'DOBLER Ale PON. Beer Dobler Brewing Company, Albany, New York Distributed by COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTING WastReld, The Sporting Thing 24 3 TH "Gosh--a hite!" Fred Haney, Ousted as Pilot, Will Be Offered Some Other Post With St. Louis Browns President Don Barnes Lauds Deposed Manager; Luke Sewell Makes No Changes in Lineup for Washington Game ST. LOUIS, June 5 -President Don Barnes of the St.

Louis Browns indicated today he might keen deposed Manager Fred Haney in the organization. Said Barnes: still hare A hich regard for Haney. Fred's A fine fellow And I believe has given 100 per cent operation and effort. But when things are going bad, sou can't stand still. You have 10 mako a chance, IT'e hope to have some place in the or2anization for Haney and Already have discussed it generally with Haney, whose immediate plans were for A vacation trip with Mrs.

Hancy. said his decision would depend on what position was offered him. He was paid in full salary for the reminder of this year. Juke Sewell, former Cleveland coach Tho took over the seventh place club, made 110 changes in the lineup for today' game with Washington. M.

S. C. Awards I Varsity Letters AMHERST, June 5-Massachusetts State's joint committee on Intercollegiate athletics has voted varsity letters to the following members of the track, baseball and tennis teams in recognition of their work the last season: Track-Cant. J. Edward O'Connor of Holyoke, Manager H.

Westcott Shaw of Canton, Chester C. Putney nt Orleans, Crimmins of Worcester, William Warren of West Roxbury, Rino Roffinoli of Willams. town, Robert Tillson of Cochituate, Edmund Freitas of Fairhaven. Wil. liam Joyce of Florence, William Kimball of Amherst, Maurice J.eland of Natick, William Wall of Northampion, McDonough of Dorchester, l'atrick Santin of Beverly.

Capt. Henry larzych of Greenfoll, Manager Harold Golan of Dorchester, Sumner 'Green of Dor. chester, Walter Miles Dalton, Francis Slattery. of Dorchester, Frank Spencer of Northampton, James Bullock of Arlington, Edmund Freitas of Pairhaven. William Mahan of Stockbridge.

Robert Mullany of HatEdward Sparks of Pittsfield. Robert Triggs of Howard Bangs Deerfield, George Bower of Stoneham. Herbert Gross of Malden. Thomas Kelly of Spring Richard Maloy of Dalton. Robert (Brien of Watertown, Matthew Ryan of Spring.

feld. Tennis Capt. Edward F. Anderson of Middleton, Manager John Shepardhoro, Howard Lacey of Middle. boro, Howard Lacey of Fichburg, James Graham of Middleboro, Now.

ard Kirshen of pan, Lucien of Holyoke. Sydney Zeitler of Boston, Edward Nebesky of Amesbury. PICARD ON IRONS By Henry P'icard (Former I'. G. A.

Champion) In iron play the hands seem to play such an important part that few players ever look beyond them for the cause of their trouble. My 0 11 experience, both in teaching and playing, has proved that most difficulties about iron play originate, not with the hands, but in body balance and action. In other words yon can't be any better with your hands than jour body balance And action will permit. For example, if your weight remains on your right. leg as you hit through the ball, your badly is actually working against your hands and all the effort VOtI care 10 make with your hands cannot overcome this handicap.

Therefore I advise those who lack either distance or control nith their iron clubs to check UP carefully 011 their body balance and action. First of all make sure that Joll are ing as erect as possible and maintaining the amme uprightness throughout your entire swing. When you do this you will have no in trouble the backswing. getting the The more proper wind up erect you keep your body the easier it is to turn hips and shoulders, thereby developing the twist of the back muscles needed to produce power for the don Another item of importance about developing power for longer iron shots is tho position of your arms near the end of your backswing. The upper parts of both arms should remain fairly close to your holy.

This closeness in position means that arms and body will work in harmony. To Acquiro and maintain this position take the club back so that your loft arm does not raise above the level of your right shoulder. This also alfords what is generally called "compactness. in the. (Fourth in a Series) Simons, McKeon to Defend Title in Four-Ball Tourney at Longmeadow Country Club Milton Reach, to Pair With Former Teammate; Bishop Again to Play With Vitale; Monahan and Sullivan, Hub Combination With indications of the fastest pouring in for the fifth annual ment of the Longmeadow Country next week, with qualifying trials visions Friday and Saturday.

Four Divisions There is a possibility that an extra division. may. he added, Guy Donahue. one of the tournament committee members sail lAst nicht, In other years, the field has comprieed three fights. Several new combinations Are re.

ported to vie with combinations that hATe done well hefore in this popular tournament. Milton B. Reach, who paired with his golfing dad, to win the tournanient trice, will play with Sam Calking of New York. Calking and Reach were golfing mates at Tome School. I Joe Monahan And Dave Sullivan will come from the Boston district TED BISHOP (Mass.

Amateur Champion at Long- meadow Next Werk) but there will be others. Bill Haskell of the home club will team with Woodland golfer. I'. C. Jarbor.

pitTed again Bishop, will Mass. play amateur with cham- Andy Vitale of The Orchards. Phil Simons. Longmeadow veteran. who paired with Jack Mcken of Bridgeport to win last year, will play with the SAmA chap in defending.

championship duo. The Berkshires will he represented hy two 200d combinations in Prince Smith and Dan England and Bruce Crane And Bill O'Connell. Fred Witzel, of the home club, A member of the undefeated Dartmouth frosh team, will play with Russ Poverly of the home club. DOES EVERYTHING CENTRALIA, Ill. (API Major to look UD A Centralia.

A Hizh School league baseball scouts might do well junior named Dwight Eddleman. of course, they might Arat be advised that Dwight doesn't play base. ball. But he probably could -and well. He does everything else.

He has done 6. feet, 514 inches In the hich jump, also broad jumps and runs the 410. He was basketball the state's leading scholastic scorer last winter with 969 an aver. A of 21.5 points A came. He made the all-state tram for the second consecutive season.

He made the football team in his freshman year 45 11 end and did all the and punting. A knee injury cut short his football career but the injury has been corrected. Tie's not taking chances with it, though, on the gridiron. Dwight is 18 years old. 6 feet, 2 inches tall, And weizhs 190.

Cost of constructing the Trang fan railroad from Tehran to The Cospian SPA is estimated at more than $500.000.000. New Golf. League? Formation of a NPR four ball golf league to he called the Echo Valley 2110 is under way. There will he A meeting Tuesday night at the Feeding Hills Country Club At 3.30; Four teams, Feeding Hills, Mountain View, College Highway and Southampton already assured and it is hoped to have Hilltop Trail and Broadview in the fold. RACING FIRST RACE-3-year-olde: 1 mile.

Time 1:41. Brave Lotion (Briggs) ..12.40 3. (Hattinger) C'41 Spring 1.. Taslor) 3.20 rAn: Rosalie Tillie Obl-bo, Dollar Sign, Kelley LAC. SECOND RACE 3-year-olda: mille.

Time 1:17. Dainty ford (Dattilo) 11.20 Moo (Atkin-on) 5.80 04 Differential as Also IAn: Premier Avril, ImA Dell K. S'ingal, 311 Sang. Beauty Time, See AlL Ohio's Cho'ra. Fly Gent.

THIRD and up: mite, Time 1:11 4-3. (Iceman (Taylor) 9.80 4.60 3.0 Grandeem (T. Atkinson) 1.20 3.20 Trinit (Me Mullen) 3.40 Also ran: Lou Hans, Sassy Mate. Hugood. FOCRTH RACE-3-year-olds and up, mile Time, 1.13, 4 sold Tower .11.00 A.

60 3.0 Taking (W. 1., Taylor) 9.20 3.80 Vulcanus 2.80 1'40 ran: Don Bruce, One Tenth, Here AgAIN. FIFTH RACE-3-year-olds, mile, Time, 1.13 3-3. Red niran (18 holes) 4.00 :.60 2.30 Hulled Shirt 3.20 2.10 Lily (C affarella) 0.80 Alan ran: Pavilion, Meadow Dew. Light Sweeper.

SIXTH RACE-4-year-olds and up, mile. Time. 1.40 Side Arm 5.60 2.40 out Jiherty Franc (Mar) 2.60 nut bing siler (Atkinson) out ran: Purcellville. SEVENTH RACE-4-sear-oids and 1 1-14 Time, 1.30 2-5 a Supreme Mora) ....21.20 10.40 Atkinson 8.60 5.60 Victory March (Deincia) 6.40 ran: aLovick, Updo, Ning Neptune, Sunahall, La l'eria, County Bond, Sick obill. Ruilding Trades, A F.

Preere entry. EIGHTH RACE 4-year-olds and up, 1-14 miles. Time. 1.49, Don l'eces (F. Smith) .16.60 4.00 5.00 Dannie Siri (Vina) 3.20 Conrad de Mann 1.00 3.80 Also IAn: City Judge, Lady Roma, Jack Lennie, Wanna liygro.

Ar SUFFOLK DOWNS Ar RI. I. MONT PARK phase about 2 miles. 04 2-5. FIRST carpids and up: ateepleBrother Ines (Gayer) ..20.00 30.00 00 6 4.20 Brow n) 3.50 3.10 R- (J.

Metionern) 4.10 1:30 ran: Muffled Brown Prince 111. a -Frantz Wilheim, West Haddon, Door Mark. A--C. Pierce entry. SECOND RACE-4-year-olds and up: mile, Time Ending 3.30 3 3.00 Guerrilla (Pollard) 6.10 4.60 Slave Charm 1.30 Mao rAn: Snort Distance, Ken's Pop, Pistol Pete.

Portet. Chaimar. A Dither. THIRD RACE -4-year-olds And up; 1 Time Jeh Stuart 36.30 9.20 4.:0 Dirty AteD 3.30 2. 3.

lone hila Fad.) FAn: queion, High Sho: Gun. Anglo Saxon. FOURTH RACE-2-year-olds, mile. Tine. .39 Incoming (Bierman) 7.00 4.60 3.:0 7.90 5.30 Seamanlike (Gilbert) 6.14 ran: (lip Clop.

New Trick. rille 2d. Texan Boy, Look of Eazle, Ar.el Lad: Sky Soldier, FIFTH RACE-3-year-oids, mile. Time, 1.17. I-olde Robert on) 3.80 3.20 Fiery Steel (Bierman) 60.30 11.00 Scout (Glibert) ran: Good Stymie, Sherlock, Midd.e SINTII R.ICE Time, 1.19 Onion V4 (W.

Ends) 6.30 4.90 3.40 A Neutrality 4.00 3.10 Minneluen (Rian) 4.30 also ran: WAr Resu.t, Country, Full Cry, Halcyon Days, Ned Lover. -Calumet fArms entry. SEVENTH RACE and up, 1-16 miles. Time. 1.41 4-3.

Blaring Heat (Meade) 5.50 3.20 2.20 (4. Robertson) 3,20 3.10 Tonspandy (Pollard) 3,10 Aiso ran: Newark, Greeny. EIGHTH RACE 3-vear-olde and up, 1-16 miies. Time. 1.14 2-1.

Kasidal (Robertson) 13.10 8.10 Davy (Donoso) 8.30 4.80 Aureole (McCrears) 4.10 Also ran: Kahyrite, Blue Castle, Pico Blanco 2d. AT DELAWARE TARK FIRST 3 mile. Time, 1.14 245. A (Hacker) 6.60 4.60 3.10 Airpinne (Harrell 4.90 3.30 anterbrun 11.10 tipped. Hardy, Canterlin, Faster Rabbit, Also Ian: ere Stockton, Tom.

Ezypla. NunSal! natica, Dominal. SECOND and up, mile. Time. 1.17 White co*ckade 1.00 00 4.20 8.20 Ha Ire (Snider) 3.30 Graeme ranker (1.3 1 b) 5.00 3.30 Also rAfi: Queen's Advice, Ghost Ayer, Chance Watch.

Suez, My Lawyer. Rita 7, Fulton 3, Purple Dawn, Tradd. G. THIRD RACE-2-year-oids, mile. Time, 0.

one her 10.60 4.20 7.00 After School (Dahson) 3.60 0.60 Flourtown Mower) 3.30 Alan rAn: a Bidder, bMilky Moon, A blay Call. A entry. b-Rumsey-Met. call entry. FOURTIE mile, 1.17 1-3.

Ring (Ereard) 23.00 10.00 8.00 Marie Olympia (Canning) 5.10 1.30 Tar Miss Berg) 28.30 Also Ian: Spang, Lid, Little Sarah. Skew(harmful, Bellowick, evada. and up, Time, 1.17 1-3. Millfang (Harrell) 7.80 5.10 1.30 4t Smithy 10.17 7.10 Irish Moon A.M Also ran: Dizzy Dame. Dan Cupid.

Biz Roy Blue, Dolly Whisk. Plucky Sir, Riesa, Night Tide, LittiA Bolo, Sea Cadet. RICE-3-year-olds, mile. Time, 1.14 2-3. Just (Dahson) 8.30 4.10 3,30 Impenetrable Bodion) 5.50 3.00 Alpine Lad (De Camillic) Also tAn: Cathode, Phalaris Girl, DreamIng Time.

SEVENTH RACE-4-year-olds and up, 1-10 miles. Time. 1.32 3-3. ('ire Wings nch) .33.20 10.80 (Kelly) 4.10 3.30 Dark May ((laggett) 3.30 Onlanc, Denote, Bozone, AlmO ran: Dan's Folly, Shall We Dance, AT DISCOIN FIELDS FIRST mile. Time, I.

1A. Daily Trouble 1.60 2. 2.60 Driray a 3.40 2.40 War Tower Me 3.20 Also Ian: The Shipper, Judy Jones. Three Percent. notira, Boynton, Ava Delight, Grand Centrals Sally J.

SECOND RACE-2-year-olds, A n.ile. Time, 1. 1-3. Deneb to 8.00 mI 1.00 3.10 Trualite Richard) 10.20 6 80 Bolute (Ml Andren Also ran: Wandeld. Jinrab, Candles, Albert, Black LitA.

Van Dian, Chic Prince, Pari Favorite. Ozzie. Ta mile. Time, 1.30 3-0. Rio Vista (Boston) 19.40 8.60 1.00 Grief (Me 4.20 3.10 Town Lace 3.80 Also ran: Rocuiah Nona, Ambo, Shasta Sue.

Pitanga. Lady Memphis, whichwise, efer Transit, lie Man, Mental Ranker. FOURTH RACE-4-year-olds And up, Tinie, 1.13. Allan (T. Martin) 6.60 1.10 3.00 Jimmie rom 6.60 4.00 Pop's Rival (J.

Richard) 3.00 ran: Black Time, Little Jean, Daddy, Tusco, Dinner Horn, Jaahob, Crimson mile. Time, 1.13 4-5. Glory, FIFTH THE RACE 4-year-olda And up, Donnagina (Haskell 11.80 A.m RA Ar (Mic Andrew 10.40 4.00 Highthorne (W. Barberry) 3.80 Flood AlsO ran: Black Patararo, Tide, Lady Thirteen, Valdina, Blaufurs, 1.01 3-5. SIXTH RACE-2-year-oids, mile.

Time, Tig (Haritos) 5.20 3.80 2.80 l'an't Omathon (l'ont) 4.60 3.80 Loco 3.40 De Also Haven. ran: Sergeant James Bill. Quest, Bolus, Tompin, SEVENTH and up. 1 1-18 Time, 1,49 4-3, Diamond (J. Richard) 3.60 3,00 2.60 onrad Bohn) 12,20 6.60 selli 1.20 A ran: Silver Fleet, Master Pennsburg, Camaraderie, Kenosha: Time, NORTHAMPTON, June of -town RANIA for Sunday baseball 1) of Mt.

Tom a commute Fairview Ray Area nume, Young Men' Club of and other PA Write. Manager Walter Latha. 42 East Northampton: Atreet, 216 Mt. between Tom, 6 and or 6 'call p.m. Baltimore Sells Graham To Indianapolis Club field in history, entries already are BALTIMORE, June 5 (AP) --Art invitation, four -ball, best ball tourna- Graham, outfielder with the Baltimore Club.

The event is scheduled for International League Club since 1932, Thursday and match play in all di- was sold today to Indianapolis of the American Association. Reverly teamed with Holly Mandly Graham. who is recovering from an to win the Springfield four ball event injured shoulder, is hitting .238. In his first season here after coming last year. Robby Grant.

the Wethers- from Little Rock, Graham batted .308. field stylist, again will play with Donahue while Charley Clare, another Before the war the United States with Sture Nelson again. Nelson is of cloves vanilla beans from 200d Nutmez golfer, will he paired imported more, than $1,000,000 worth one of the veterans of the Dadagascar every year. Who Says You Can't Have the BEST? PARagraphs By Art Krenz NRA Service Golf Writer Denny Shute advises golfers to play wand shots with the ball in A certain position and to adopt a similar pattern 011 Irons until the habit beCOmes fixed. The former British Open and twotime I'.

G. champion SPAS good and had golfers playing the ball off 4 FORM HABIT OF PLAYING BALL FROM ONE STANDARD AEA the left toe instead of the left heel or slightly in back of the heel. This comes from attempting to oh. tain exveptional height on short iron shots and creels into the longer game. It throws A player off on wood shots tends to disrupt his entire game, Fisk Plays First Triple A Contest Fisk laseball team is scheduled to return to Triple A League warfare tonight when it meets An Colt rival, Westinghouse, at Blunt Park at 6 mI.

Fink, which entered the circuit aftPr the SeASON opened, WAS scheduled to play it- first game last week, but was rained out. With rain this week having cut into the schedule the league has scheduled a mecting for the 1'. Mr. C. A.

tonight at 8 Dates for postponed games will he decided upon and it is expected the schedule will be r'evised tu include Fisk. The Razor Blade they're raving about PAL: GROUND HOLLOW FITS YOUR DOUBLE- EDGE RAZOR PERFECTLY Hello ground like a barber's razor PAL Leather-strop. barber's like HOLLOW GROUNO 10 for 4 for Money heck guarantee. At good stores all ever Also Pal Hollow Ground for -edge razors. IVE TRIED EM ALL, BUT I USE ONLY DU PONT POLISH ON MY CAR! says William C.

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